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Chapter 8

There's the car rental place the guy told me about. Let's go see what we can find to rent."

The man at the car rental looks at the mess we are in, then reluctantly asks, "What can I do for you?"

"We need a luxury car." He looks at us with his eyes slightly shut. Like we were wasting his time.

"We have an SUV available and a Mercedes."

"We will take the SUV."

"Very good I need a credit card and a valid license. You do know that you have to return the vehicle clean not covered in dirt or there is an extra charge."

"I understand and your car will be clean when we return it. Here you go." He hands him a credit card.

Seeming surprised he hands back the card. "Everything is fine. How long do you want the car for?"

"Two days should do, if I need it longer, I will get in contact with you."

"That will be fine. Make sure it comes back with a full tank of gas in it also. Come with me." He hands Charley the keys as he shows them the car.

"Get in we have to get some clothes." Charley is rushing around.

"Why? He is your brother you don't need to dress up for family."

"My brother hates that I drive truck. Look, little one, my brother is the Alpha of a very rich pack, he thinks the job is beneath me. I am the little brother, and he wants the best for me, Ok. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Look I can buy my clothes and help with the car, you're doing this for me. I have worked for the pack for six years. They didn't pay a lot, but I have saved most of it."

"Little one, I don't need your money. I have more money than a person could use in two lifetimes."

"That doesn't mean I should take and sponge off of you."

"If that is how you feel then call it your pay for helping me. Now we are going to find you a dress, and me a suit. I hate suits."

"I hate dresses."

"That is a nice store do you see anything you like?"

"It all looks nice to me Charley you pick."

"Miss, can we see that dress and a pair of matching shoes, do you want heals?"

"I don't know how to walk in heals."

"No heals then. Now I need a suit, a sports jacket type suit. Blue like her dress, or something that at least goes with it."

"I don't know if we have something in your size. I could get you a dress shirt and dress pants, but I do not have a matching jacket." The lady is also looking at us a little funny, I don't know why. "I am afraid you can't try the clothes on unless you pay for them you are not ready to change your clothes yet." Then I look at myself and see how dirty I am from running in the woods.

"The shirt and pants will have to do. Now for the rooms and to get changed." Charley pays no attention to what the sales lady is saying he is to busy rushing around. "Melody, we have to move, we have to get the rooms, get dressed, then get to the airport."

"There is a Best Western will that do?"

He squealed the tires as he turned and crossed three lanes to park in front of the place. "This place will be fine, Ma'am we need three rooms close together."

The lady looks at them, just like the other two people did earlier. "On the third-floor rooms 312,314 and 316." She makes a face and takes his card. When she hands it back she is still staring as they run up the stairs and don't use the elevator.

When I get in the room and look in the mirror, I see why we were getting strange looks. We are a mess from being in a truck and then shifting and running all night. "Harmony I hope they like us. This will be a chance to start over and have a better life."

"Don't worry it will all work out." Melody takes a deep breath and thinks about how things are going. She is so lucky to have found Charley.

Charley is so nice and caring, he has a little gray at his temples that looks perfect with his dark hair. He is towering over me at his six foot four, he has muscles and is built like one the sculptures in a museum. I know he looks mean and hard, but he is a softy. When he stops acting like a bad ass, he cares, at least about me. Right now, I feel so lucky, I have only known this man for four days and I feel safe. A feeling I haven't had for eight years, ever since my mother left.

"This dress is the nicest I have ever had. Who am I kidding, aside from my birthday present from Bonnie, which I only wore once, it is better than anything I have ever owned. I shouldn't complain, things could have been worse, I didn't have the love from anyone or the best care, but I was fed and had some clothes." She begins to remember the once or twice a day pushes and name calling, "Still I wasn't in the dungeon."

"Stop letting those people get in your head look at what is happening and what can happen."

Melody is hoping that this is the right thing to do. "I know I should Harmony, but what if his brother turns me in, I'll will be in the dungeons for sure. They will never take a chance and let me out."

"Stop all this worrying I am here now, and I can fight they won't get us I promise. Look at you finish getting dress you look nice."

The dress is on, and she is looking as good as she can, her hair is braided and long down her back. She has very little make up, so she decided not to wear any. "Goddess, please let him like me." When she goes to the door to open it Charley is there.

"You clean up nice, sir." Melody teases as she looks up at his handsome face.

"Well thank you miss; I'd have to say that you are looking mighty purrdy yourself." His cowboy accent is not that good, but it was cute so they both laugh. "Your car awaits my lady." The airport is only fifteen minutes down the road. She can't help but fidget in her seat. "Calm down, it will be fine one way or another. I will be right here."

Melody looks at Charley with such gratitude, "Thanks a lot Charley. I don't want you to give up your pack though so this has to work."

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