Chapter 88: Gaoling

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(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes as I hear groaning nearby.

I slowly sit up and see the door to the bathroom is open.

Y/N: Korra?

I hear her groan.

Korra: Yeah...

I get out of bed and go into the bathroom to see her puking into the toilet.

Y/N: Oh, babe.

I go over and kneel down, I then gently rub her back.

Y/N: You okay?

She lifts her head up and sits down.

Korra: Yeah, sorta.

I sit down with her.

Y/N: So, I'm guessing you're still feeling a little off.

She giggles.

Korra: (Sarcastically) What gave it away?

She rests her head on my shoulder.

Korra: This isn't easy.

Y/N: I know, but you'll be okay. We will.

She nods.

Korra: I know, babe.

I pick her up and rest her in my lap.

Y/N: Okay, let's get you back to bed.

I get back up and carry Korra back to bed.

(The next day)

(Gaoling, Earth Kingdom)

It's the next day and we've just gotten to Gaoling.

The pilot lands the airship in a field on the outskirts of the city.

We all look over to see Wu looking outside.

Mako: Any sign of Guan?

Wu: No, just Mayor Rhee and a couple of elderly magistrates that look like they're about to keel over.

Kuvira: Oh, Commander Guan will show up.

Y/N: You better be right about that.

Kuvira: Before he gets here I need to get out of these rags and chains. I need to get into something more... presentable.

Mako: No way.

Korra: Actually, she's has a point. Guan might refuse to meet yo meet with us if we show up with Kuvira looking like a prisoner.

Asami: I have some extra clothes. I'll go pick something out.

Korra and I stand up.

Korra: While Kuvira changes, King Wu, Y/N and I will meet with the mayor I'll radio if we need you.

Y/N: Good idea.

She looks over to Naga.

Korra: Come on, Naga.

The three of us leave the airship along with Naga.

(Twenty minutes later)

Korra, Wu and I make it to Gaoling's City Hall along with the mayor.

The mayor shows us around City Hall.

Mayor: And this is where the voting will take place. As you can tell everything is in order, King Wu.

Wu sniffs.

Wu: Ah, the sweet smell of of democracy!

Korra: Wait...

She points to two pictures on the wall.

Korra: Are those the candidates running for Governor?

Mayor: Yes. Chief magistrates Ling akf Bak are two of Gaoling's finest Government officials. Either one will make an excellent Governor.

Y/N: Right...

Korra: I don't know how voters will ever be able to decide.

I sigh.

Y/N: Let's go, guys. It's starting to stink in here.

Korra: Yeah, I smell it too.

Wu: Sorry. I tooted.

The three of us head to the exit.

Korra: When you had the idea the States to vote for their own leader's, I bet those two weren't what you had in mind.

Wu: Nope. I was imagining candidates with a little more Vim and Vigor.

Y/N: Things didn't seem to go that way, Wu.

He sighs.

Wu: I know. Having free elections was supposed to bring in some new political blood, not keep the outdated Earth Kingdom bureaucracy alive.

Korra: I know you're disappointed, but this is only the first elections.

Y/N: She's right. It's not gonna be perfect. It took the United Republic a long time to iron out it's political kinks.

Korra: Exactly. There's gonna be other elections.

Wu looks back at the candidates.

Wu: But if those are the only candidates, what's the point in even having a vote? Whoever wins, nothing is going to change. Gaoling will be governed the same as it's always been.

When we get to the doors we hear rumbling outside.

Wu: What's that?

Y/N: Nothing good.

The three of us walk outside to see tanks and Earth Empire soldiers coming up to City Hall.

Naga starts growling.

Korra: Commander Guan's here.

She quickly pulls out her radio.

Korra: Mako, come in. Are you there?

Mako: I'm here, Korra. What is it?

Korra: Commander Guan and his army just rolled into town. He's outside City Hall right now. Get here with Kuvira, fast.

Y/N: Really fast.

Mako: We're on our way.

A moment later Commander Guan walks up as we walk down the steps.

Korra: You must be Commander Guan.

Guan: The famous Avatar Korra. At last, we meet.

He looks to me.

Guan: And Air Master Y/N. It's a pleasure. I'm a big admirer of your work.

Y/N: It's always nice to meet a fan.

He looks back to Korra.

Guan: Now, what bring you both to Gaoling?

Korra: As you're aware the Earth Empire's rule has ended. My husband and I are here to make site you and your troops surrender peaceful.

Gaun: Then I'm afraid you've both travelled a long way for nothing. I have other plans.

I step forward.

Y/N: We figured you'd say that.

Korra: That's why we brought along someone who can help you see things differently.

We look over to see the other's pull up in a jeep along with Kuvira.

Guan: I don't believe it.

Kuvira stands up.

Kuvira: Hello, Commander Guan.

Hopefully, letting Kuvira out of jail is about to pay off.

The Power of Air. Legend of Korra Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now