Chapter 90: Brainwashing

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Y/N's P.O.V

So, I'm chained up to a chair in a room with Kuvira.

Guan has taken Mako, Asami and Bolin somewhere, but we don't know where.

I look to Kuvira.

Y/N: So, do you know what Guan's gonna do with us?

Kuvira: No, I don't. But it's probably not going to be good.

Y/N: Ah, I need to find a way out of here. We need to warn Korra.

Kuvira: Do you have a plan?

Y/N: No. I'm working on it though.

Kuvira: Well, I think we...

Y/N: "We?" No, there's no we.

Kuvira: Look, I know you don't trust me and I don't blame you for that. But like it or not we need to work together to get out of here.

I sigh.

She does make a good point.

Y/N: Damn it. I hate to admit it, but you're right. But it doesn't mean I trust you, just so we're clear.

Kuvira: Fair enough.

Y/N: Do you have a plan?

Kuvira: I'm working on one.

Y/N: Well, that's comforting.

Kuvira: Just follow my lead.

Just then two Earth Empire soldier's come in.

Y/N: Where are my friends.

Soldier: Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough.

He pushes me out of the room as the other pushes Kuvira out with us.

The put us in the hallway and Guan comes out to talk.

Guan: I'm glad we finally have a chance to talk, away from the public and your new best friend, the Avatar. So, tell me... are you ready to return and serve the Earth Empire once again?

Kuvira: No, Commander Guan. I won't be returning. And I serve no-one. Not the Avatar, and especially not you.

Y/N: She's right about that.

Guan: Then you leave me no choice.

He Metalbends the wall to reveal Mako, Asami and Bolin restrained.

They have helmets on their heads and their mouths are covered.

Y/N: Guys?!

Kuvira: Release them at once!

Guan: You remember Dr. Sheng, don't you?

Sheng: Hello, Kuvira.

Guan: She worked very closely with your former fiancé.

Y/N: What is all this?

Guan: Well, Master Y/N, this is how the Earth Empire will regain power. And keep it.

Sheng: After Bataar Jr left to become your second-in-command, I began researching more effective methods to re-educate the prisoners you sent to our camps.

She explains to us that she learnt more about the Dai Li technique to keeping order in Ba Sing Se.

Sheng made a breakthrough with her research, but Kuvira surrendered before they could tell her.

Kuvira: If you had, I would have shut it down. I never authorised such inhumane experiments.

Y/N: Wow. Even you have lines you won't cross. Didn't see that coming.

Sheng: Maybe not directly, but don't act so naïve. You demanded results from your followers. You nevered cared about how we achieved them.

Kuvira: No... that's not true. I hoped those who has got astray would see the error in their ways. I wanted them to be motivated by my strength and leadership, not by some machine.

Guan: You might change your opinion once you see what Dr. Sheng and I have accomplished in your absence. I think you'll be quite impressed.

Asami muffles under the mask.

Kuvira: Asami, you have to know I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

Guan: You may begin, doctor.

Y/N & Kuvira: No!

Sheng activates the machine and it shocks the three of them.

After it's finished Sheng gives them commands to put them fully under her control.

Guan: Kuvira and Master Y/N are next. Put them in these chairs.

Mako: Yes, Commander.

Once Kuvira is free, she breaks away before knocking my brainwashed friends back.

She uses Metalbending to free me from the chains.

Y/N: Ah, yes!

I blast Guan with Airbending.

Kuvira creates an exit for us before Mako blasts a fire ball at us.

Kuvira: Sorry about this!

We quickly jump out and Kuvira uses Metalbending to close the exit.

Kuvira: You'll thank me later.

Y/N: We need to move.

Kuvira and I run off as the Earth Empire troops close in.

(Ten minutes later)

We managed to escape the camp dressed as Earth Empire troops in a jeep.

Kuvira pulls up and takes her helmet off.

Kuvira: Phew.

I take off my helmet.

Y/N: I can't believe this happened.

We get out of the jeep.

Y/N: Didn't expect to make it this far with you for a partner.

Kuvira: Well, you're welcome for helping you escape.

Y/N: If you hadn't created the Earth Empire in the first place, we wouldn't have needed to escape.

I throw the helmet down.

Y/N: My best friend's are brainwashed and that's on you.

Kuvira: I know and I'm sorry.

Y/N: I couldn't save my best friends! And my pregnant wife is out there going through who knows what!

Kuvira: Wait, what?

My eyes widen when I realise what I just said.

Kuvira: The Avatar is pregnant?

I sigh.

Y/N: Yes. We found out a couple of days after we got back from our honeymoon. No-one knows but her and I. And now you.

Kuvira: Y/N, congratulations. I...

Y/N: Don't. Just don't. She's out there and I'm not with her, cause I chose to stay behind and watch you. I shouldve gone with her.

Kuvira: If you had I wouldn't have been able to get away. Now, we're in a better position to help her and the other's.

I sigh.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess so.

Kuvira: So, what's the plan?

Y/N: Well, first we need to watch the surrounding area for a bit. Just to make sure we weren't followed.

She nods.

Kuvira: Good idea.

Y/N: Let's do it.

We start looking around the area for Guan's forces.

I can't believe I let it slip that Korra is pregnant.

The Power of Air. Legend of Korra Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now