The Con of Fury

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A/N: Rath is just that one alien who's impossible not to love. 

July 7, 2010

Our story begins on a sunny day in Bellwood. You and Gwen stood outside of the girl's garage, both clad in swimsuits. The former of the two tapped his foot on the ground impatiently before banging on the wooden boards of the structure, hoping that these actions would somehow expedite your departure. When that didn't work, you went back to doing it the old-fashioned way, straight up demanding that they speed up. 

Y/N: Hurry up! We're losing our light!

Jen would then step out, wearing her casual clothes over her swimsuit for the time being. 

Jen: We're not losing our light. It's 8:00 in the morning. The beach is open all day. 

Y/N: You're right. Kevin, get your ass out here! 

He was next in line to appear. His green and black muscle car slowly pulled out of the garage while its driver hung out of the open window. 

Kevin: Geez, I'm coming. I'm like five minutes late. What's the big deal?

Slightly annoyed, you would get into the mutant's face before explaining.

Y/N: I'll tell you what the big deal is. Every time we try and do something normal as friends something happens--Kevin steals the Rustbucket, long lost grandmother pops back up, the Incurseans threaten to blow up the planet. 

Jen: That doesn't happen every time.

Y/N: It does. But not this time..

Almost immediately after you said that two strange people teleported into the driveway. They carried a strange egg-like capsule in their arms, prompting Kevin to get out of his vehicle. In the meantime, you collapsed to your knees while throwing your upper body to the ground in defeat. Your girlfriend walked over to your side and patted you on the back to try and comfort you. 

Y/N: ...Son of a bitch!

The man bowed briefly before introducing himself to the team.

???1: Greetings. I am Ambassador Zaw-Weenull from the planet Lewoda. We are seeking Jen Tennyson. 

Jen: Present! What's up?

Zaw-Weenull: We hope you will undertake a delicate mission on our behalf. Only the legendary Jen Tennyson has the reputation and the skill to accomplish it. 

Jen: What do you need?

Zaw-Weenull: You must deliver this treasure so that peace may reign between the Lewodans and our foes, the Pantophage. 

The woman at his side looked down, seemingly saddened by those words. 

Kevin: Treasure, you say? 

The woman pressed a button at the bottom of the container, pulling back a sheet and revealing what was inside. This "treasure" was but a mere child that looked like whipped cream for some odd reason. The baby floated out of the container, chirping and whistling happily as it did so. 

Zaw-Weenull: Allow me to present the Tiffin, our crowned prince, if you will.

Kevin: Cute, if you're into cotton swabs. 

The container was then teleported away from the scene in brilliant blue flash of light. Gwen then approached the woman, wondering who she was. 

Gwen: I'm sorry. I didn't get your name.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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