🍋Mating and Knotting 🍋

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No Quirk Au
Middle School Izuku Midoriya
High School Katsuki Bakugou


“Don’t you bully that kid, Katsuki! I mean it!” Mitsuki shouted. Her scowl looked like it was etched in stone.

“You hag!” Katsuki shouted back at his mother, “Is that really how low you think of me?”

She smacked him on the head with a rolled-up fashion magazine like a disobedient dog. “Izuku’s been through enough already. All that bullying and moving schools in the middle of the year is hard enough. He doesn’t need you antagonizing him, too.”

Katsuki growled with annoyance. He didn’t understand how he got roped into babysitting. Besides, the little omega was at least 14, so what did he need a babysitter for anyway? Inko said she was going away for the weekend on a business trip, and apparently, she was too overprotective to let the kid be by himself, and for some god-forsaken reason, Katsuki’s own mother had betrayed him by volunteering him to babysit.

Katsuki was a 17-year-old alpha. He had sports practice, homework and college applications to finish, but apparently, his mother thought keeping an eye on some helpless runt was a better use of his time. He supposed he could probably get some of that done while babysitting; from what he knew of the kid (Deku, he had decided to call him at some point in his childhood), he was a bit of a loner. They’d played together a bit as kids, as much as any children with a three-year age gap could, at least. Mostly, it was just Deku following Katsuki around and Katsuki being an asshole brat. Nowadays he'd see him scurrying around the neighbourhood from time to time, head hung and shoulders hunched like a scared puppy, but Katsuki supposed if he were such a skinny runt of an omega, maybe he’d be scared of the world too.

With any luck, he’d stay hidden in his room all weekend and Katsuki could just play some video games and do some reading.

When he arrived at the Midoriya household, the runt was nowhere in sight, much to Katsuki’s relief. However, he was met with a distraught and teary-eyed Inko, which immediately put him on edge.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into him,” she sniffled and blew her nose dramatically into a handkerchief. “He didn’t even come out for dinner. I think he’s mad at me for leaving him,” she wailed and flung herself into Katsuki’s arms.

Her subdued Beta scent was still enough to make him wrinkle his nose. “Maybe I should just stay,” she sniffled into his shoulder.

His heart leaped. Yes! This was his chance! If she decided to stay, he could have his weekend back! He opened his mouth to agree with her, but she spoke before he could.

“No, I can’t. My therapist is always saying I need to take time for myself. I can’t keep coddling him. Besides, he always seems to perk up when you’re around, so maybe it’s for the best if I leave.”

Damnit! So close.

Inko wrapped her short arms around him and planted a wet kiss on his cheek before rushing out the door.


Katsuki seemed to be in luck. The hours ticked by without even a hint of the tiny omega. When he knocked at the door to ask if he wanted some dinner, the brat refused, saying he had a stomach ache or some bullshit. By 9:30 Katsuki had finished his homework without distraction and was just settling down to watch a movie.

The scent hit him like a bag of bricks before he even saw Izuku. One second he was chewing a mouthful of popcorn and laughing at characters in a horror movie, and the next he was all but bowled over by the honey-sweet scent of sugar and pine. It was almost smoky, like a forest fire and thick enough to coat his nose and tongue. He wanted to escape to fresh air and bury himself in it at the same time.

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