True Love

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After the retirement of All Might, everything seemed lost. The world appeared to be crumbling to pieces meanwhile entering a new era of chaos without its’s symbol of peace. And, for a couple of years this situation prevailed. Heroes came and went and became temporary hopes for those who needed it. But they were just that, temporary. True heroes were history. It wasn’t like there weren’t heroes fighting villains and among them a Number One Hero, a hero that surpassed everyone else (meaning Endeavor), but it was clear that the world would never go back to the peace it went through during the times of All Might. Until. Deku. Deku became more than a simple hero. He was a symbol of hope, of justice, of salvation, of kindness and love. But most importantly, a new Symbol of Peace. The new Number One Hero represented the beginning of a new time, a better time. Soon the world adjusted to all the changes it had faced in the past few years and in no time people grew confident and secure. There was nothing to be afraid of. Because now, they had Deku by their sides. And, as long as Deku was there watching their backs, it would be a good time to be alive.


Bakugo opened the door of his apartment and threw his keys on the couch. He headed to the kitchen, opened the fridge and took a beer can. Slowly, he opened it and took a sip, taking his time to savour the bitter taste. He prepared himself for the day that was to come. Today was the day. Today, he was finally gonna propose to his Deku. And it was going to be so fucking romantic.

He was free this afternoon only because he had asked Kirishima to cover him at work, so he had at least an hour and a half until his boyfriend's shift ended. Which was more than enough, considering the fact that he only had to get changed and make a couple of phone calls.

He put down the beer can and took out his phone; first he had a reservation at a restaurant to make and after that he needed to take care of the helicopter thing. Plus, he also had to pick up the ring at Todoroki's house, who, surprisingly, turned out to know quite a lot about jewellery. Oh, and he still had to practice his speech, which was the most terrifying part of it all. It was going to be a painfully long day and Bakugo would agonize through it all as that little fear of being rejected that lurked at the back of his mind grew.

“We’ve been together for five years now, why the fuck would he say no” said the logical and coherent part of himself

“Maybe he just got tired and is been waiting for the right time to tell me” exclaimed the paranoid side of his mind.

He was scared. It was sad, but true after all. The great Ground Zero, who didn’t even fear death, was afraid of being rejected by the love of his life.

With a heavy sigh Bakugo pushed away all those thoughts and dialled the finest restaurant in town. If he was to be rejected, he would at least give the nerd the best fucking date of his life.


Midoriya’s day had been everything but normal. First he had encountered a villain whose quirk was throwing explosive bananas with his eyes. The worst thing about it was that after exploding, the yellow fruits would leave behind a sticky and suspicious looking substance that made you forget whether you were wearing underwear or not.

After that he had met with Uraraka at a cafe and he had been so busy telling her the whole story that he didn’t notice the boy taking a picture of him and uploading it, along with the location of the cafe of course. So, after only ten minutes of privacy with his friend, he had had to face the enormous crowd that had gathered in the front door of the shop to take a selfie with him, touch him or ask him for an autograph. As incredible as it sounds, it had taken him one hour to finally get away from the crazy fans.

Once he was finished he texted Kacchan so they could meet or at least talk, he felt a little down in the dumps and knew that a simple exchange of words with his Kacchan could make him smile again as if it was the best day of his life. “I’m sorry babe. Can't meet up with you right now, but I'll see you in a few hours when my shift ends” A scowl was starting to form in Midoriya´s face, but it was quickly wiped out by the next message Kacchan sent. It was a heart emoji. He smiled fondly at the gesture, he knew how difficult it was for Kacchan to use emojis and he knew he was the only person he would ever send one.

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