I Don't Get Paid Enough For This

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"So..." Aizawa started with a stern look on his black bloodshot eyes. The man was tired as he resisted the urge to yawn from lack of sleep. "...you two got hit by a quirk." He finishes, looking at the two teenagers in front of him.

The blonde teen fidgeted with his fingers as he looked sideways at the greenette beside him who paid him no mind just glaring straight ahead. His anxiousness obviously radiating and Aizawa find it weird watching him. "Well, uhm- sort... of?" he trailed off as he internally winced at himself, red eyes sheepishly looking down at his lap as he avoided the glare thrown at him.

The greenette beside him clicked his tongue, chin pushed upwards as emerald eyes glared passed at the window where the green leaves of the tree sways freely in the air. "What do you fucking think?" he mumble grumpily, then turned his glare to the blonde beside him who winced. "And if it weren't for this fucking dumbass we wouldn't be in this fucking situation. But alas, here we are."

Aizawa closed his tired eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose as he sighed frustratedly while he watched the two problem children in front of him bicker.

The Problem Duo was on a patrol mission with the other pro heroes who's mentoring them. As they were on their job, a villain came wreck havoc and caused a ruckus in the area. They responded, of course and things went downhill from there as the villain hit them with his quirk.

Apparently, Bakugou and Midoriya was hit by a quirk that made their personality... switch. Well, it didn't exactly switch because Midoriya is still Midoriya and Bakugou is still Bakugou. It's just that their personality and attitude swapped. So now, Aizawa is dealing with a mean Midoriya and nice Bakugou... which is awkward and weird if you ask Aizawa.

You see, Aizawa was used to seeing Bakugou being all mean, explosive, abrasive and loud meanwhile Midoriya being timid, shy and soft spoken ball of green fluff. But now... well, let's just say he's not used to seeing these two being whatever they are now.

As you can tell, it's weird.

"Well it's not like I wanted this either," Bakugou pouted—fucking. Pouted—while he tapped both his forefingers together shyly. A frown forming in his brows as he looked up at Midoriya with a halfhearted glare. "Don't put it in a way like it's my fault... though yes, it might be is. But please don't rub salt to the wound."

Aizawa internally cringed.

"Heh, at least it's not me who's all arrogant charging in a villain yelling "DIE" like a headless fool all to be caught in a fucking stupid quirk," Midoriya quipped, sinister smirk stretching at the corner of his lips as he sneered at the blonde beside him. "I already told you to fucking wait but since you're all the best and all the great, guess where that fucking ego of yours put us?"

Bakugou pouted more as he can't argue with that. Aizawa still feel weird about the situation because usually, in a normal occurrence, Bakugou would've charge at Midoriya for talking to him like that. One thing that the blonde clearly doesn't like is being looked down especially by Midoriya nonetheless.

The quirk that affected them is quite impressive, if Aizawa may add.

But is still weird.

"Okay, Midoriya enough," Aizawa butted in, scratching at his head frustratedly. Midoriya scoffed and Bakugou was still pouting, clearly feeling bad because it was his fault they got caught in the mess. Aizawa is still not feeling the situation in front of him. "Right now, the villain who got you two is already in the prison. We talked to him already earlier and he claimed that his quirk has no cure and will just stop on its own. When will it stop? He is also not sure."

Midoriya huffed. "Fucking great..."

"Yeah, great. Anyway—" Aizawa glared at the greenette. It still feels off to hear Midoriya swear. "—as you two know, you'll probably be stuck in that quirk to until who knows when."

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