Future Kids

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It was a normal day. A peaceful day. Exams were coming up so Aizawa decided to provide a study session during class, it was going well. Everyone seemed to be taking it seriously and Aizawa decided it wouldn’t hurt to take a quick nap.

Just as he reached for his yellow sleeping bag an odd rush of wind rushed through the class and it was followed by a huge crash. Aizawa spun on his heel with his capture weapon ready, his students also tensing up as they searched for the source of the crash.

“You brats! Unhand me or I’ll-”

“Or you’ll what? You’re in no position to be making threats.”

Aizawa and Class 1-A stared in shock at the display before them, some guy with a cape was being pinned down by a student.

“You villains really are quite foolish, thinking you can attack my brother and I. A pair of third year students in heroics no less.” Everyone looked to the source of the feminine voice to see another student getting up off the ground and dusting themselves off. She glanced around and her face molded into surprise.

“And in our own classroom, you’ve got some balls.” The male student said darkly before raising his hand towards the villain's face. A few familiar pops went off and the villain flinched away.

“Hah, you think you have the upper hand...just take a look around you!” The villain shouts, his eyes desperate. He squirms like a madman and the male is forced to punch him in the face, it knocks him out.

“Juuuuun. I wanted to interrogate him first.” The girl whined and pouted at the other male as he rose to stand. The class widened their eyes when he stood at his full height, he was tall.

“He’ll wake up in a bit, just relax.”

“What the hell is going on here?” Aizawa’s voice commands, his hair is floating and the male student stiffens before spinning to face Aizawa. His eyes widen and the color drains from his face.

“Oh fuck.” He whispers. Then he glances around the class and sighs. “Fuck.”

“It’s uncle Shouta!” The girl exclaims. Aizawa raises a brow at that and she laughs.

“Jun I think we’re in a bit of a predicament.” She said happily. Her gaze settled on the class and from the way she seemed to filter through them it was obvious she was searching.

Aizawa narrowed his eyes at the two students, he didn't recognize either of them. The boy has blond fluffy hair and a pair of very familiar green eyes. The girl has light green hair, almost minty, and her eyes are also green though they are a different shape. Immediately realization hits Aizawa and he looks to the villain laying on the ground.

“What is his quirk?” He asks in exasperation.

“You know I’m not sure but I have a pretty good guess. Jun?” She looks up to her brother. His hand reached to run through his own hair, ruffling it up.

“I recognize him, he tried attacking Dad a couple years after he went pro. His quirk lets him travel back to certain points in time, the catch is he has to have lived through it before so he can’t travel to before he was alive.” He mumbled thoughtfully and grasped his chin. Aizawa recognized the mannerism, his eyes fell to Midoriya who along with his classmates was watching the two in confusion. The girl notices his gaze and smiles happily.

“Oh you are quite sharp Mr.Aizawa!” She says with a tone of familiarity. He stared at her long and hard before speaking.


“I’d love to.” She laughs.

“First let me introduce myself, I am Kaori and this is my brother Jun” She gestured to the taller boy who nodded in boredom. “Jun and I were just doing our work in class, it was a normal day until this guy came launching through the window. Our teacher and Jun attempted to stop him but he was targeting us and had already used his quirk. Next thing we know we’re dropped here.”

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