Robot Army

385 10 1

Support Course Midoriya Izuku
Quirkless Midoriya Izuku
Short Bakugou Katsuki
Short Chapter

"MIDORIYAA!" The angry yell of a certain support class teacher echoed through U.A.'s halls, making some look up from their food in the cafeteria. Katsuki could feel dead flood his system; what the fuck did his boyfriend do now...

Katsuki turned, abandoning his food to turn around in his seat, watching the cafeteria floors, glaring at them. Other's had stopped eating as well; instead, they were looking at the cafeteria doors with mixed reactions; fear, utter horror (the other support class students.), and anticipation.

The doors blew open, a panting, screeching Monoma coming through them as he tripped and stumbled over his own feet, trying to escape deeper into the cafeteria before they heard it, the clanging of metal on tile floors, and maniacal cackling. Shivers wracked everyone's spines, making some stiffen. (again, support class students.) "H-He's CRAZY! HELP!" Monoma caterwauled, tears slipping down his face as the things he was running from came into view.

"Oh fuck me sideways," Katsuki bemoaned, watching an army of red-eyed, two-foot-tall robots run into the cafeteria through the doors, all screaming profanities, and death threats at Monoma, who shrilled in agony, trying to get away. "NOW!"

Someone shouted from the back, and every tiny two-feet-tall death robot's head whipped around, the front line of the robot's chest paneling opening as ropes shot out, capturing Monoma and hog-tying him. "Kick him in the balls, my children!" The robot's heeded their creator's command as Monoma writhed on the floor, squirming and wiggling, trying to curl in on himself to protect his manhood from steel feet.

One robot wound its foot back, kicking it forward as it connected with a high-pitched squeal that echoed all over the cafeteria. Every man in sight winced, some curling over their clothes in case they were next. Monoma went slack, drool dribbling out of his mouth as his eyes rolled back from the pain, still twitching. The robot's eyes immediately glowed green, turning as they all called out in sync, "Mission complete, did we do good, master?"

The tiny army trotted over to Izuku, seeking validation, who was madly cackling on the floor, slamming his fists into the ground, tears streaming down his face. Izuku regained his composure after a moment, sniffing and snorting as he wiped his tears, giving a thumbs up to his tiny army of robot children. "Mission status, 10/10 execution." The army cheered, some high-fiving the others, others holding their hands up to be carried by Izuku, who snorted at the cuteness.

Katsuki was psychically shaking in his seat, face shrouded with darkness, a cold aura around him. "Izuku Midoriya." He called out, seeing Izuku stiffen, looking and making eye contact with him. Izuku awkwardly laughed, shuffling from where he was on the ground, still crouched with two tiny robot children in his arm out of the two hundred who sat around him, facing Katsuki. "What the fuck are you thinking?"

Katsuki hissed, scrubbing widely at his face, trying to figure out who his boyfriend decided to do this. Izuku flopped on the ground, the tiny army following suit, pouting. "But Kacchan.." The tall teen whined, looking like a kicked puppy as the robot's blank faces whirred and flipped, two hundred big, watery eyes staring at him, not including his boyfriend. "Izuku." Katsuki hissed, a second away from throttling the teen.

(Realistically, all Izuku had to do was stand up, since Katsuki may be 5'7, but he was 6'5, and Katsuki couldn't reach his neck even on his tip-toes.) "We're sorry, Kacchan," The army and Izuku bemoaned, all looking very down. It was an amusing sight for the cafeteria. Katsuki plopped back into his seat, screaming into his hands as he glared at his boyfriend.

"What thought process did you go through to convince yourself to many robots?" "Two hundred..." "Two hundred robots to do that." Katsuki seethed, smoke swirling out of his palms, pointing to a crying, snot-faced, unconscious Monoma who was still writhing and twitching every few moments.

"He said, and I quote, "You probably couldn't bound an army of robots because your quirkless." End quote. So I did and programmed to make his life hell." Izuku deadpanned, the robots all nodding along with him. Katsuki looked so tired.

Izuku whispered something to the robots, who suddenly had a happy look on their faces (if that's even possible, they're robots). The entire army stood, skipping over to Katsuki, all swarming around them as a chorus of "Mama," "Mama," "Mama," "Mama," "Mama." echoed, all of their robots arms held in the air, hands making grabby motions.

Katsuki whipped over to his boyfriend, who stood and bolted for the door, cackling madly as Katsuki screamed and self-detonated, blasting himself up and out the cafeteria doors, chasing his boyfriend as the army ran after them, chanting "Mama," "Mama," "Papa," "Papa."

A faraway boom. rattled windows, everyone wincing as heinous cackling was drowned out by the explosion.

Everyone looked up to the sky, closing their eyes and praying for Izuku before going back to eating, disregarding Monoma, who still laid there, passed out.


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