🍋Studying Under the Desk🍋

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U.A.'s library was just one of the school's many impressive features, though it was often overshadowed by everything else they were known for. Passing through it's wide double doors, it didn't appear as large as it truly was; at least, not at first sight. Only upon wandering past the shelves to discover more aisles, and then more, and then even more, was it clear that the library was actually a labyrinth of knowledge. It was easy to get lost and spend the whole afternoon there looking for one book. Most students just asked the librarian, who would find what they wanted for them.

Bakugou was an unexpectedly frequent visitor, and knew the pathways well. It wasn't that he was an avid reader, but he liked to study there, and he'd found the perfect spot.

In one of the back corners, there was an old, executive desk, beat up and worn. It was clearly a fine piece of craftsmanship that the old owner hadn't wanted to throw away just yet, and donated to the library for further use. Bakugou found himself there most days of the week with his papers and books spread out before him, sometimes writing, sometimes reading. He adored this desk, for several reasons.

One, its placement. It was in the back of that literary maze all by itself, secluded from the other usual frequenters.

Two, the lighting. That back corner was dark, making it difficult to see him, and thus harder to bother him. He simply kept the small desk light on and aimed at the table top so he could see his work.

Three, angling. When Bakugou sat at that desk, his back was to the wall, so no one was able to sneak up on him from behind.

Four, the sturdiness. It was a solid desk, with three full sides. It was more than just a simple plank of wood with four, piddly legs that revealed everything beneath.



That quiet voice brought him out of his trance, his head raising to see a familiar figure standing among the shelves nearest him.

"Hah?" Todoroki came even closer, wearing his typical, bland expression, looking like he'd just gotten out of class with his backpack slung over his shoulder. "What do you want?" he asked, before returning his gaze to his math problems, his pen flowing over as he easily banged them out.

"I'm looking for Midoriya." His eyes flicked back up to that Half and Half bastard, standing right before him, expectantly.

"Yeah? Do you see him?" To emphasize his point, he looked around at the unpopulated corner they were in, but the other only continued to stare at him. Todoroki had never been phased by Bakugou's attitude; it pissed him off more days than others, but right then, he was in a good enough mood to not be too bothered by it.

"The librarian said she'd seen him in here earlier," the fucker explained.

"Sure," Bakugou scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Earlier." He cleared his throat then, shifting in his seat.

"Do you know where he is?" Todoroki insisted. One thing he had going for him was his stubborn fixation on his goals. It was something Bakugou could respect, in other circumstances.

"Why would I know?" Bakugou asked, giving up on his homework as the other clearly wasn't going to leave easily. A couple shelves away, he could hear the soft shuffling and quiet murmurs of a group of students studying. At least they weren't bothering him.

"He's your boyfriend," Todoroki told him simply, unaffected by how his glare sharpened at that.

"Just cause he's my boyfriend doesn't mean I know where he is every damn second of the day," he grumbled, before his eye twitched, and he cleared his throat again. Fuck. Thankfully, Todoroki decided to drop it, and instead studied his set up, those shitty, two-toned eyes roaming over his papers and the books he had stacked on the side. Him and his desk were at the edge of the hanging light's reach, it's glow pale. It probably needed a new light bulb.

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