🩸Sadist and Masochist🩸

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It was the first time Katsuki had pushed Midoriya to the ground. And it felt amazing.

The blonde loved seeing Izuku squirm around under his weight, he loved the way he could feel the smaller male's warmth. His wails, his tears, his lips and bloodied eyes. It was the first time he had ever felt something so.. incredible.

The feeling of joy surged through young Katsuki’s body. His eyes lightened in excitement, its natural crimson color becoming brighter and brighter by the second.

Little cackles of explosions landed on the freckled boy's stomach, little bits of ashes and burnt skin peeling off of him. He felt every single burn piercing through his skin. He felt the blood seep out of open cuts. He felt Katsuki’s body weighing him down.

“Kacchan!! It hurts!! STOP!!” Izuku yelled, trying to pry the blonde's hands away. Izuku’s vision was starting to blur, making him see only the outline of Katsuki’s body and blotchy colors. Everything felt surreal. A minute ago, he was happily walking with his best friend until he pounced on him.

— | 5 minutes before (12:25 P.M.)age 8

Izuku smiled at Bakugo and held his hand. It was the perfect fit as his soft fingers met Katsuki’s calloused ones. But it was comforting to the both of them.

Bakugo tightly squeezed Izuku’s hand, his expression suddenly changing from a snide smile to a manic one. He squeezed and squeezed until Izuku started to shake.

“Ouch! W-why are you doing that?” the green boy questioned, trying to pull away. His brows furrowed and his green eyes showed visible tears forming at the ends. His face was bright pink due to straining.

Instead of answering Midoriya’s question, he kept squeezing and suddenly began pushing him towards an empty tree. The tree was one of the many in the forest, thick, lush, and shaded. Izuku landed harshly against the bark of the tree, his back scraping against it. He felt his skin slowly rip apart as he was dragged down by his “friend.”

“Do you know what love is? The old hag told me, and I think I love when you make that face.” Katsuki said, smiling.

“H-huh? What do you mean! OUCH!!” Izuku’s piercing scream rang through the small forest they were in. Bakugo’s palm let off an explosion that burnt the smaller boy’s wrist. But no one ever came here, and if they did, they wouldn’t be able to hear Izuku’s calls for help.

“You’re so.. cute that it makes me want to see you cry!” Bakugo exclaimed. His tone was high in excitement. Seeing his best friend screaming was just so.. erotic. Of course, the young blonde boy had no idea what that meant. He only knew that he liked it. He liked hurting Izuku.


Katsuki had left hours ago, leaving Midoriya to fend for himself. He was bloody and exhausted. He wasn’t even able to breathe right, let alone get up himself. In and out. In and out. He had learned these exercises from his mother in case he had one of his panic attacks.

Well, he had plenty of those today.

He knew that someone would come looking for him sooner or later, but he was surprised Bakugo had done that. Did Kacchan hate him? But he didn’t say he did.

He said he loved Izuku’s face when he cries. And Katsuki isn’t really one to love anything.

Izuku couldn’t miss it. The way Bakugo smiled at him in joy, a wide grin across his face. His eyes were so bright and clear in the sun. They stared at him in adoration— something that Izuku had never felt.

Of course, his mother always smiled at him like Bakugo did, but it felt different. It made Midoriya happy and wished for more. Even if he needed to do so by being in pain.

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