Sparkling Eyes

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Katsuki likes to think that Deku’s stupid sparkling eyes aren’t the reason why his cheeks are burning in the midst of winter wherein the cold breeze prickles his skin like a sharp icicle. They’re also definitely not the reason why Katsuki’s legs almost wobble when said eyes twinkle with so much awe and fervor when they step out of the cinema.

It’s the middle of a chilly December afternoon when Deku came barging into Katsuki’s room, shoving two tickets for that movie that the freckled boy really wanted to watch. He’s been bothering Katsuki about it ever since its trailer got released. Katsuki didn’t bother searching about the movie, though, because he honestly planned on rejecting the enthusiastic boy’s invitation.

That notion, however, got immediately swept under the rug when the stupid nerd flashed him a hopeful look with his stupid warm and soft eyes and his stupid pink pouting lips and his even more stupid freckles mocking him like ‘hey blond boy, I know you’re crazy for me’.

Fucking – stupid Deku and his stupid sparkling eyes can go to fuckin’ hell and Katsuki would still chase him like a dumb pining teenager.

Katsuki huffs softly, blowing out a small puff of breath. He subtly looks at the bouncing Deku from the corner of his eyes, mentally berating himself for liking such annoying human being. The warmth in his cheeks still haven’t died down and he’s starting to consider to take it as an advantage because holyshit is it cold.

The frigid air is literally freezing them to death. It’s one of those days when two layers of clothing, a scarf, and a beanie aren’t enough to shield their body away from the cold. Seriously, for someone who exudes an excessive level of body heat, Katsuki’s losing from the weather. He tries to bury his hands deeper down the pockets of his coat, cursing under his breath because the temperature is too low that his naturally warm and sweaty hands are also freezing.

“So,” Deku starts, walking with a bounce in his step. He’s looking at Katsuki with those eyes again and Katsuki can’t stop himself from not staring back with a trembling heart. “What do you think of the movie?”

Weak. You’re a weak-ass bitch, Katsuki.

Sometimes, Katsuki wonders if Izuku’s eyes are black holes trying to suck him in because they’re just that huge and mesmerizing and now Katsuki can’t look away. Now that he thinks about it, he recalls reading something about the pupils of the eyes, saying that they are actually similar to black holes.

Katsuki doesn’t reply right away, thinking of any coherent thought except for Deku’s huge and stupid sparkling eyes. When he comes up with something, he turns his head to shoot the green-haired boy a smirk – which almost falters because the nerd’s stupid sparkling eyes are focused on him with so much intensity.

Holy fuck. Abort. Abort.


The carefully formed not-so-whipped response he had evaporated so quickly that he decides to settle with, “Hmm. It was, ehh, interesting.”

Truth be told, Katsuki wasn’t able to focus much on the movie because a certain green haired boy wouldn’t stop muttering and analyzing every scene in the movie and Katsuki’s not saying that was distracting, but the way the light from the screen illuminated Deku’s annoyingly adorable unruly hair so perfectly might have made Katsuki stop breathing for the whole duration of the movie.

The nerd’s eyes also shone just like how stars twinkle in the night sky whenever Katsuki and Deku lie side by side on the blond’s roof, simply stargazing while basking in each other’s warmth in the chilly hours of darkness.

The nerd seems to like the reply, though, because the worry in Deku’s eyes are suddenly replaced with earnest delight. “Really?!”

Katsuki’s heart stops beating for a second, then starts hammering against his chest.

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