Till Death Separate Us Chapter 1

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Living with Izuku was nice. Katsuki got to wake up every day and the first thing he saw was Izuku, fast asleep yet still clinging onto Katsuki with a grip that should be impossible to have unconscious.

Katsuki always woke up first, usually, he would wake Izuku up after a few moments of admiration and make them breakfast as Izuku slowly woke up. But today was their day off, so Katsuki decided to let Izuku sleep. He always looked so peaceful.

Katsuki loved his job, he loved being a pro-hero, he had completed his life-long aspiration and he couldn’t be happier. But he’d be lying if he said there were days when he didn’t wish he could just be the average citizen. He often dreamt of a life where he and Izuku lived out in the countryside, they would tend to their garden, walk arm in arm at the local market where everyone greeted them with a smile, they would go home, Katsuki would cook whilst Izuku sat on the counter talking about a book he had read and then, Katsuki would wake up.

Katsuki still didn’t have it as hard as Izuku. Katsuki sat comfortably at number five but Izuku, of course, had to reach number one. His days were hectic, along with general hero work and running an agency (though Katsuki made sure to do most of the work on that front), Izuku had countless interviews and ad campaigns to do not to mention how the paparazzi followed him everywhere. It didn’t take long to become exhausting.

Izuku would never admit how much he hated it to anyone that wasn’t Katsuki. He was all smiles and waves from the second he stepped out of their front door to the second he stepped back in. He only let Katsuki see him vulnerable, only let Katsuki take care of him. It was an honour Katsuki was glad to have. Izuku also took care of him, held him close on bad days and constantly showered him with love and affection so that Katsuki would know just how much Izuku cared for him.

Katsuki didn’t know how long he had been laying there, staring at Izuku, before the boy started to stir. The room was lighter, the sun shining through that gap in their curtains they never seemed to close correctly. Izuku groaned, pulling Katsuki closer and nuzzling his head into the blonde’s chest. Katsuki smiled softly at the action, wrapping his own arms around Izuku’s body to hold him there.

“Morning,” Katsuki mumbled, letting his eyes close so he could focus on the sensation of Izuku’s breath hitting his neck, “it’s our day off, I know you probably forgot.” Izuku’s long sigh confirmed Katsuki’s thoughts. Izuku rarely took time off, especially since owning his own agency because there was no one there to force him - except Katsuki.

“I wanna stay here, all day.” Izuku’s grip tightened around Katsuki, who chuckled lightly in response. He hummed, leaning down to place a kiss on the top of Izuku’s head.

“Whatever you want, Zuku,” Katsuki smiled as Izuku pulled away slightly so he could look up at Katsuki.

They lay for a moment, simply staring at each other, memorising each other's features as they had done so many times before. Katsuki loved how Izuku looked first thing in the morning before the troubles of the day overwhelmed his mind. He especially loved how Izuku looked at Katsuki, the fondness in his eyes, pure adoration and love. Katsuki spent hours wondering how his younger self was convinced that Izuku looked down on him in any way.

If it were up to Katsuki, he would freeze time at this moment. Izuku with a fond smile on his lips, staring into Katsuki’s eyes as if they held the world. Katsuki with a similar look on his own face, but the unmistakable glistening of tears brimming his eyes.

Katsuki was happy to wake up to Izuku every day, to experience these rare days when they could simply stay wrapped up together all day thinking only about each other. Katsuki never wanted it to end, he wanted to wake up to Izuku for the rest of his life, even when they’re old and grey. He couldn’t picture a day where Izuku wasn’t the first thing he saw when he awoke.

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