Days of the Future Past

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The last thing Katsuki sees before the smoke hits him is Izuku's worried face. Then he inhales the villain's fucking quirk and starts to cough, and when he opens his eyes he sees...

Izuku's face. Something almost poetic about that, huh? The first and last thing he sees.

Katsuki doesn't have time to think about this, because as soon as he absorbs the scene in front of him (Izuku cowering against the wall; his own younger self looming over him with a palm raised), Katsuki is moving. He doesn't stop to think about the potential consequences, but then again he rarely does. All he sees is Izuku in trouble, and his body-

Heh. His body just moved on its own.

He grabs his younger self by the scruff of the neck and hauls him away from Izuku, slamming him up against the wall. His younger self struggles, at least until he opens his eyes and sees who his attacker is. Izuku reacts in much the same way; ever the hero, he grabs Katsuki's arm as he tries in vain to haul him away from his younger self.

"Leave him alone!" He shouts, until he catches sight of who the attacker actually is. "K-K-acchan?

Katsuki does his best to ignore the way this entire situation would be a therapist's wet dream if they could see it. He slams his younger self against the wall again, and he feels a phantom pain in his skull, like an old wound flaring up.

"Fuck off!" His younger self shouts. "If you're me why are you fuckin' attacking me?"

"'Cause I'm a hero," Katsuki snarls. "And that's what heroes do when they see villains attacking quirkless little crybabies." Oops-habit. It wasn't not true, though.

"You're a hero," his younger self says in awe. Katsuki's lip curls.

"No thanks to you," he says. He raises his palm and is just about to give himself a taste of his own medicine when-

"W-wait!" Izuku grabs his arm again, tries to pull it back. "Kacchan? S-sir, please, don't hurt him."

It takes Katsuki a moment to realize he's 'sir'. Fuck. He feels like his father.

He gives Izuku a look. "After everything he's done, you don't want me to hurt him?"

Izuku shakes his head. Katsuki sighs and lets his younger self drop to the ground. Leave it to lzuku to always be the best.

His younger self looks like he's about to start a fight that he will definitely lose, but then he seems to fully register what he's seeing, and a look of amazement plasters itself to his face. "That's my design," he says, looking at Katsuki's outfit. "Those-those are my gauntlets." He looks up in excitement. "What's your hero name?"

"None of your damn business!" Katsuki yells, which is perhaps not strictly true. He'll blame it on not wanting to give away secrets to the future, instead of admitting that he's being petty.

His younger self glares. "How do I know you're really me? You don't seem like me. Get away from him, Deku."

This last part, the misplaced protection, serves to anger Katsuki more. He upturns his palms and lets off his quirk.

"Don't test me, kid," he says. "I'm you. Got hit by some quirk and got sent back here. Now get the fuck out of here."

His younger self's eyes narrow, and his eyes flick to Izuku.

"It's okay," Izuku says. "It's just Kacchan, right? You don't have to be worried, Kacchan.

"It's the wrong thing to say. His eyes narrow, and he looks on the verge of physically stomping his foot. "I'm not worried!" He shouts. "Like I'd ever be worried about you, stupid Deku!" Then with one last incensed look at the two of them, he turns and stomps off.

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