Till Death Separate Us Chapter 2

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It was Katsuki’s day off. His one day a month where he could rest. He had tried to convince Izuku to join him but his husband was as stubborn as ever and refused, though promised to join him next month for their eight-year wedding anniversary.

Katsuki still woke up before Izuku, made him breakfast and packed his lunch as the number one hero got ready for the day. A kiss goodbye as Katsuki handed over his backpack and Izuku was gone. Katsuki set about cleaning their apartment, something he liked to do on days off to keep himself busy. Izuku was also an impossibly messy person to live with.

It was whilst he was hoovering that his phone rang, he didn’t hear it having taken out his hearing aids to avoid the sound of the hoover, so it was only when he went to collect them that he saw his phone had too many notifications for a normal day, let alone a day off.

Inko had called him four times, the first red flag. Shouto, who Katsuki knew was also on patrol today with Izuku had called once, but the boy never rang Katsuk, the second red flag. The confirmation something was wrong were the ten missed calls and now an incoming call from one of the nurses the couple had befriended during their frequent trips to the hospital, she would call when something was serious - the last time she called Katsuki Izuku had been hit by a quirk that made the pain in his body ten times worse - a horrifying experience for the average person, let alone someone like Izuku that had chronic pain.

He picked up the call after taking a moment to calm himself. He couldn’t let his emotions get the best of him when Izuku needed him. She didn’t give much information, simply saying it was ‘bad’ and to ‘get here as soon as you can’, which did little to soothe the panic growing in Katsuki’s chest.

He flew to the hospital, they lived close by and his palms were producing more than enough sweat for him to reach the place in record time. The nurse was waiting for him, immediately leading him to where Inko and Shouto were sitting, in a private room he had grown all too familiar with.

“What happened?” Katsuki asked as he sat in the single chair in the corner of the room. He had been in this situation too many times. Sitting in this same room in the same chair waiting for answers or to be able to see his husband. But he couldn’t shake the pit in his stomach that told him this wasn’t like the other times, at all. That this was serious.

“Mutant, swordfish. It should’ve been me but Izuku pushed me out of the way,” Shouto’s voice remained monotone as he spoke, though his eyes told Katsuki everything he needed to know. He looked horrified as if he had seen a nightmarish sight and was currently reliving it over and over. Katsuki knew that look, the same one Izuku bore for a long time after the war, after Katuski’s death. It made Katsuki’s heart drop and his head spin.

“Katsuki, don’t look at the news, or online, anywhere, please” Inko’s voice was shaking, words barely audible through her sniffles and hiccups. She looked at Katsuki with those big pleading eyes, begging him to listen to her - he was weak to that look, Izuku would exploit it so Katsuki would buy his favourite ice cream. He’d never seen it in a situation that didn’t involve his husband smiling widely as he inevitably caved in. But his husband wasn’t here.

“Will he be okay? That’s all I care about, I don’t care if he’s blind, can’t walk, can’t talk, if I have to wipe his ass for the rest of his life, will he survive?” Katsuki moved his attention back to the nurse, the tremble in his voice unmistakable. She gave him a reassuring smile, taking a piece of paper from her clipboard.

“He’ll live, I made a copy of his notes as usual, but I wouldn’t read them unless you’re sure you’re ready, I’ll see when you can visit” She placed the paper on the coffee table before leaving.

Katsuki’s hands itched to pick it up, but another part of his brain screamed at him to wait. It was bad, worse than the time Izuku didn’t wake up for a whole month, worse than when Izuku was writhing in pain for a week, what if he never recovered from this? It would kill Izuku if he couldn’t be a pro anymore because of an injury. They had discussed this, they would only retire when they were grey and old and forced out of the job by the age limit - that Izuku had secretly been hoping to be raised (and Katsuki hoped for it to be lowered).

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