I'm Sorry

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"I'm sorry."

Nothing was said for a while between them, the only sound being the wind and a few cars passing by.

"I'm sorry I hurt you. Repeatedly. I'm sorry I abused you with my words, my hands and feet, my quirk that you admire so much. I should have never done that to someone as amazing as you. You deserve the world, and all I did was try to make it hate you. I tried to make you leave it. I did all these horrible things to you, but you still followed behind me, admiring me, and I won't ever understand why you did."

He took a shaky breath to collect his thoughts and reign in his emotions before he continued.

"I hurt you so much because I was jealous of you. I hated you for being so great and perfect when you didn't even have a quirk. You were everything I wasn't and not getting your quirk just pushed you to be-more of yourself. It should have broken you... it WOULD have broken me. I would've become more hateful and angry. But you- you became more heroic and kind. You became more of a hero, and how was I supposed to reach you, even with my quirk? So I pushed you away because I always knew…

I could never be half the hero you are meant to be."

He looked up then, red vulnerable eyes meeting tear filled green ones. Seeing those eyes only furthered his determination to say what he needed to say to his childhood friend turned victim.

He took a deep breath before speaking."That's not the only reason I pushed you away. Yes, the expectations others put on me, along with the ideas they put in my head about quirkless people really made me a little shit. But I can't blame others entirely. I told you how I was jealous of how brave you were... are. But-the biggest reason why I pushed you away and bullied you...."

This was it.

He was going to tell him.

" Was because..."

He held their eye contact and made sure his emotions on his face were clear to the boy in front of him.

"I love you Izuku."

Those beautiful green eyes full of tears finally let them fall. And his body moved with the big inhale of air he took hearing that. Those three words he always dreamed of hearing, but never imaged he actually would.

"I love you so much it scared me, it still does. I was always so unsure about my feelings about you, not just because you're so amazing, but because we're both boys. Everyone always told me I would find a wife who could handle me and we would have kids. And it made me question what I felt for you. Because they always said wife, girl, woman, kids. They made me feel wrong for loving you, but I don't care anymore. I love you, so much. I want- no- NEED you by my side. If loving you is wrong, then I never want to be right again in my life. And you know I hate being wrong. But for you, I will be wrong until the end of time. I'm done pushing you away because I'm scared of my feelings, or because of what others will think. I only care about what you think of me, so.... I'm sorry I hurt you, and that I pushed you away, and that I treated you like you're not the most amazing person I've ever met. Because you are Izuku, and I want to spend the rest of my life proving that to you and making up for all the horrible shit I've ever done. If you'll let me?"

His voice had trembled the whole time after he first said those three words to Izuku. And his hands were shaking at his sides, even while clenched in fists.

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