The Past is Ours

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“Hey Midoriya mind if we sit here,” Kaminari asked the presumed “Deku Squad” who were sitting down eating lunch

“Umm sure. Go head.” Izuku responded clearly confused on why. Not that he didn't love or care about his classmate but they had their own little group.

Izuku scooted over so Kirishima and Kaminrai could sit on his side while Mina and Sero took a seat on the sides.

“Where kacchan?” Izuku asked clearly not seeing the blonde with his friends

“Umm... he's busy with.. something…. right now.” Kirishima responded rubbing the back of his neck

“Oh okay.” Izuku responded . What could Kacchan be doing right now. He does like his quiet moments but he loves his friends even if he won't admit it. He always spends lunch with them.

“Hey Midoriya, we have a question.” Mina asked picking at her food clearly bothered by something

“What is it?”

The “Bakusquad” got quiet just looking at one another as if asking for permission.

“How was middle school like for you?” Sero chimed in when he saw Mina wouldn't ask

Izuku took a minute to process what she asked. Sure he's told them a bit about middle school but it wasn't exactly something he wanted to talk about.

“It was fine, why?” Izuku asked tilting his head to the side innocently

“Oh okay.”

Lunch finished with the question still on the back of his head. They made their way back to class seeing that Bakugou had already taken his seat.


Last weekend when the bakusquad had gone to the mall running into some students from bakugou's old school. All Bakugou wanted to do was ignore them, but his friend wanted to talk to them, ask them questions on how he was back then. No matter how much he told them to stop, to not ask, to not bother,they didn't. Not until they found something they regret. He still remember his friends expression when those stupid idots told them. Kirishima already knew some aspects of it but he still looked horrified. Kaminari and Sero were devastated and Mina started crying. He couldn't understand why, why they couldn't let it go. Why couldn't they stop asking questions when he asked. Why did those dam extras keep talking after he told them to stop. Why did they ruin the only true friendship he's ever had?!? But deep down he knew it wasn't their fault.It was all bakugou fault for being that way in the first place. He knew what he was doing was wrong but he didnt know how to deal with all his emotions at the time.

His friends, well not really sure he could call them that anymore. They started ignoring him. Every time he would try to talk to them they would walk away, not even acknowledging him. By the end of the day, the whole class knew what he had done in Middle school and there was no avoiding their piercing gazes.

It was time for sparring and bakugou wasn't sure who he was going to spar with. When Mr.Aizawa said to choose partners, everyone, every single person looked away from him. Well almost everyone.

“Hey kacchan do you want to be my partner?” Izuku asked, making his way towards bakugou waving his hand in the hair with that smile. The smile that held no hate, no judgment just pure joy. The smile that told him somehow everything was going to be okay.

“Y-yeah sure.” Bakugou responded, hating himself for stuttering but you can't blame him. He was so damn happy. Izuku must not know, or must not care.

“Sorry Midoriya but Bakugou is training with me.” Todoroki got in the middle of both of them taking bakugou by the wrist dragging him off somewhere secluded so they could spar.

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