Parallel Dimension

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It all happened too fast. One second, Katsuki was running after a villain, a thief who had just attacked the National Art Museum. The next, he was falling through the ground.

This particular villain has been evading the heroes for months. Usually, the theft is only discovered weeks later when the stolen piece is cleaned and people realize it’s a copy. So when their intel proves itself solid and Katsuki sees the guy taking an old vase, he runs after him without thinking twice. It obviously doesn’t take much for Ground Zero to reach the villain with his quirk’s propulsion. But when he reaches for the guy, he falls.

And he kept on falling for way, way longer than it would take for him to hit the floor. He can’t see anything and his mind can’t focus on what’s happening — so it’s entirely out of nowhere that he feels his body hitting something not as hard as the floor.

“UFF-” comes a grunt of paint from wherever the hell he landed.

“What?” someone else asks close by.


Katsuki has less than a couple of seconds to access his situation. He’s not running through Tokyo anymore, he’s in a classroom. The classroom is full, and in the back of his mind, he kind of recognizes everyone around him. He’s sitting on top of a student. And the teacher — Aizawa, his brain instantly provides — is coming for him with a menacing look on his face.

“GET OFF ME, FUCKER!” the student underneath him yells, and Katsuki feels the heat of explosions on his waist.

Shit. Katsuki could recognize this angry screech and the feel of these explosions absolutely anywhere. But it can’t be possible-

He doesn’t have time to wonder what the hell is at play because Eraserhead’s weapon is already trying to restrain him. Years of being a pro hero — and having his ass kicked by Aizawa during high school — honed Katsuki’s skill to dodge the deadly scarf to perfection. It takes no more than a split second for him to aim an explosion to the wall and jump away, then Katsuki is already on top of a desk on the other side of the classroom.

“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, FUCKING COPYCAT?” the young version of him that he landed on howls.

“IT MUST BE A VILLAIN!” a girl accuses.

He doesn’t have time to think, because, at the accusation, every one of the students aims their quirks at him. It is absolute chaos. Several screams echo through the room, from “Let’s catch him!” in Kirishima’s voice to “DIEEEEEEE!” in what must be his own teenage voice. Jumping and dodging to not get caught by anything, Katsuki looks around the room for a way out and sees something that completely takes his breath away.

The most unexpected thing of all — Izuku, his love, looking confused in the middle of that pandemonium. Katsuki doesn’t even think, he just moves towards his love hoping to protect him. He doesn’t know how the villain sent Izuku with him to the past or if it even is the past and not some kind of hallucination. All that he knows is that Izuku may be in danger, and Katsuki would rather die than to let anything harm his love.

In two quick jumps, he’s already pulling Izuku to his arms. It’s impossible not to notice how much shorter this Izuku is, but Katsuki doesn’t have time to wonder why. He cradles Izuku on his chest and with a kiss on his temple, Katsuki reassures him, “It’s alright, Freckles. I’m here, I’ve got this. No one will hurt you.”

But Katsuki doesn’t ‘got this’ at all. He’s lucky none of the students is particularly skilled, but the numbers aren’t in his favor. A big explosion protects them from being caught by ice (shit, even Half ‘n Half is here?), but that gives Aizawa an opening to erase Katsuki’s quirk.

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