🍋Victory and Defeat💔

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Female Bakugou Katsuki


They're in their third year when Ochako starts to steel herself, finally confident enough in herself and her skills to focus on things other than hero work.

The idea of confessing to Izuku is playing in her mind when she passes Katsuki in the hallway. So maybe that's what makes her do it, makes her turn around and nearly yell, "Katsuki!" The blonde whips around, eyebrows slightly raised, interest piqued. "I-" she pauses and swallows, strengthening her resolve. "I won't lose to you." She says those words with every ounce of her being. Because she doesn't plan on losing to Katsuki. Not this time.

But this time, it's not like their first-year sports festival when Katsuki had shot back an acknowledging smirk, eyes full of respect as she sized her up carefully.

It's not like that at all.

Instead, Ochako gets a blank stare, recognition flicking in those crimson eyes but none of the excitement or thrill. None of the challenge.

She gets a grunt of acknowledgement before the blonde turns around and strolls right back on her way, leaving Ochako gaping at her back. She doesn't know what to make of it.

A couple weeks pass, but the encounter never leaves the back of her mind, though nothing changes between her and Katsuki. They're still classmates-friends, even. She's starting to think she imagined the entire thing until she walks into the kitchen one night.

It's late-past curfew. The only reason she's even down here is because she had wanted a glass of water. She wishes with every fiber of her being that she had just ignored the dryness in her throat and gone back to sleep. At least then she wouldn't be feeling the stabbing pain in her chest. But she made her decision, and this was the consequence: watching Izuku stand in between Katsuki's thighs while she sat on the counter, thrusting into her tight heat and moaning her name.

It's painful-so goddamn painful-but she can't seem to move, can't seem to even take her eyes off the sight of Izuku fucking into Katsuki. Because this is probably the only time she'll ever be able to see this-see Izuku in any context remotely sexual.

She can't see his face. She's actually really glad she can't because she doesn't think she could stomach the absolutely reverent look he probably has on right now, staring at Katsuki like she's his entire world.

And Katsuki is so pretty like this, even Ochako has to admit it despite the jealousy rising in her throat. The way she tries to muffle her own moans, whispers Izuku's name softly into the dark, kisses his neck as he pulls her forward onto his cock-it's delicate and vulnerable in a way the blonde never shows to the outside world, and in that moment, Ochako thinks she understands why Izuku chose her.

If it wasn't drilled into her brain before, it is now. That Izuku completely and utterly belongs to Katsuki. She gets it now, so why can't she fucking move?

She's trapped in the worst kind of hell, watching the man she loves make love to another woman-her friend, someone she can't bear to hate.

It only gets worse when Katsuki opens her eyes, immediately finding Ochako's gaze in the dark. For a fraction of a second, they widen in surprise, clearly caught off-guard, before they change into that same blank stare she'd given her those few weeks ago, seeming to pierce right through Ochako.

That's what finally propels her to move, nearly stumbling out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her own room, closing the door behind her as she sinks to the ground, crying into her own knees.

Because she figured it out, understood why the blonde hadn't risen to the challenge all those weeks ago.

The look in her eyes wasn't pity or pride. Not even possessiveness or respect.

It was the look of someone who had known they were going to win from the very beginning.


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