Till Death Separate Us Chapter 4

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Katsuki’s 60th birthday came impossibly fast. It felt like a blink of an eye, one day he was a pro-hero as fit and healthy as he had ever been, named the most attractive man in Japan one year, the next he was grey and old and had pain in random joints. He was happier than he was when he was a pro, he had been in a state of happiness for years, ever since he and Izuku decided to move to the countryside.

Katsuki woke up surrounded by more warmth than usual. He could feel Izuku across his front as per usual, but he could feel another figure just out of reach on the side of the bed. He reluctantly opened his eyes, stretching with a groan before he turned to his side.

Megumi stared down at him, a soft smile playing on her lips with a hand extended holding his hearing aid. Megumi was Katsuki’s daughter, him and Izuku adopted her seventeen years ago now, it wasn’t supposed to happen on Katsuki’s birthday but he couldn’t have asked for a better present. She was fourteen at the time, abandoned for being quirkless. They hadn’t been looking to adopt at the time, they’d actually been looking into adopting a dog but Inko misunderstood them and sent Izuku a link to her adoption page. They had done a lot of work with quirkless charities, even now they donated a big amount at the end of each year to help out, and neither could say no to helping a child in need especially one with such a case.

Megumi was reserved at the start, weary of new people and especially Katsuki who she only knew as the aggressive former pro-hero Dynamight, she knew Izuku as the symbol of both peace and hope. Izuku’s impact is still rooted in all of Japan, his younger look still plastered on billboards because even if he seemingly vanished off the face of the earth, everyone still loved him. Megumi took to Izuku quickly, practically clung to him until she settled in.

She still lived with them now, just entering her thirties. The town they lived in was still as quiet as the day they moved in, still just as peaceful as the next generation took over and the retiring pro-heroes Katsuki called his friends moved in. Megumi had left for a while to study, she only recently came back, a degree in hand that would help her get a good job and yet she refused, returning to the job she had at the restaurant Katsuki himself used to work at. She was a lot like Izuku, she got homesick fast, had a heart too big. As much as Katsuki wanted her to live her own life, he was more than happy for her to stay.

“Morning Dad, I made you breakfast,” Megumi lifted the tray, waiting for him to move into a position where he could take it himself.

Katsuki shook Izuku lightly in an attempt to wake him up. Izuku groaned, nuzzling further into Katuski’s body. Then, seconds later he suddenly lifted his head up with wide eyes.

“Happy birthday Kacchan!” If his voice wasn’t rough from sleep, it would’ve been a shout. Izuku smiled widely when Katsuki leaned down to place a kiss on his forehead. He moved them, lifting Izuku so he could sit in his lap, a hand around his back to hold him up. Katsuki’s other hand took the tray from Megumi, who Izuku only now noticed.

“Morning Megs, thanks for the food!” Izuku beamed, trying to dodge the watermelon Katsuki was holding up to his mouth so he could speak.

“Morning Dad,” Megumi smiled, watching the scene before her fondly. Katsuki loved doing things for Izuku, a realisation that came with both Izuku’s injury and age itself. Izuku was stubborn at first, wanting to do everything on his own - Katsuki understood why, Izuku didn’t want to feel useless or like a burden because of his injury. But Katsuki reassured him it was something he wanted to do, he didn’t do anything he didn’t want to, he also knew Izuku was perfectly capable of doing things alone. Izuku now found comfort in Katsuki taking care of him in such ways.

Katsuki fed Izuku and himself as Megumi told them her plans for the day. Opening gifts, because Katsuki still got gifts when he thought he had everything he ever wanted. They’d watch whatever dumb movie Katsuki wanted and then they’d meet with their friends at the restaurant Megumi worked so she could show off her skills. Really, all Katsuki wanted right now was to lay in bed and cuddle his husband, but he knew Megumi put a lot of effort into planning the meal and was excited for the day, so he reluctantly got himself and Izuku ready.

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