Code Green

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Classes 2-A and 2-B are no stranger to frightening situations, that much is obvious. After experiencing two wars and more villain attacks than any teenager should, they're prepared for a lot of situations and very little can scare them anymore...however, both hero courses and their teachers can agree on one thing: Izuku Midoriya is absolutely terrifying when he's angry.

Izuku's rage used to be a very rare sight, and most people wish it had stayed that way. The second war and Katsukis brief death (and less brief hospital stay) led to Izuku's anger being a constant for a while as he was extremely protective of the blonde during their recovery, not afraid to lash out at anyone who dared try to disturb the boy in his weak and vulnerable state.

His fury was far less volatile once Katsuki was doing well enough to resume training (though the two were and still are practically attached at the hip), but it still comes out often enough that the class instated a 'code green' emergency signal. Calling a code green would lead to the enraged Izuku being restrained until someone, usually Katsuki, could calm him down. This code stopped many altercations (much to Monomas relief, though he never escaped unscathed) and was thought to be foolproof...until it wasn't.

It was supposed to be a simple movie night supply run, Katsuki and Izuku (unwillingly in Katsukis case) getting permission to leave campus and walk down to the store to grab snacks and soda.


"Hell no! I already did all the other prep, send someone else."

"Come on dude, please? He always gets into trouble when he goes out alone and you're the only one who can keep him from running off. I promise I'll pay you back!"

"..fine, but only because I don't trust him on his own."

"Hey, I'm not that bad..." 


It was supposed to be a quick and easy trip to the shop and back...but simple tasks are never easy when it comes to the wonder duo. Before they knew it, the two ambushed by thugs and officially stuck in the center of a villain attack, fighting their way through the chaos. The leader of the group, incorrectly identifying Katsuki as the tougher opponent, then proceeded to make the worst mistake of his life: targeting Katsuki. He attacked the infuriated blond both verbally and physically, not noticing the other teens rapidly growing rage.

"Such horrible scars, you must be weaker than you look"

"Best Jeanist must be so embarrassed that his protégé is this pathetic."

"I can't believe the former number four hero wasted his life on you"

Each calculated insult hit like a bullet and Katsuki inevitably faltered while trying to avoid a meltdown. The villain took advantage of this, the resulting attack narrowly missing his chest scar and creating a sizable gash just below his pecs.

This was the straw that broke the camels back, Izuku knocking out the lesser thugs in a fraction of a second and rushing at the leader the moment he saw blood dripping from the wound.



Katsuki was quick to text the class group chat and attempt restrain Izuku, but he couldn't hold the enraged hero for more than a minute due to his injury and was unable to calm him down at all.

[Dynamight: code green near the convenience store, I'm hurt and can't restrain him. He won't listen to me either, the nerd is seeing red right now.]

[Chargebolt: OH SHIT]


[Sensei: we're on our way, do whatever you can to snap him out of it.]

Katsuki would have done as he was told, but blackwhip had begun swirling around Izuku and he was unable to get close. All he could do was call out to him to no avail, blood getting spilled very quickly.

By the time help arrived and Aizawa restrained the raging teen in his capture weapon, the villain was very lucky to still be alive. Izuku hadn't gone easy on him, having speared blackwhip through his limbs and broken bones by slamming him into the ground and various walls. As for Izuku himself, it took him ages to calm down. Looking at Katsukis injury would get him worked up all over again, but separating them only made him angrier.

Izuku was only able to calm down fully after listening to Katsukis heartbeat in an impromptu cuddle session, the gentle rhythm always reassuring him that his Kacchan is alright.

"...sorry about earlier. I already couldn't stand him targeting your insecurities, a-and then he almost...he almost..."

"Its alright 'Zuku, I understand. Besides, the bastard deserved it. You were really far gone this time though, scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry...are you okay?"

"I'm fine nerd, the fucker didn't do much aside from making me book an extra counseling session with HoundDog."



That day was since referred to as the 'crime of passion' incident by the hero course students and 1-As code green was tweaked to account for off-campus emergencies while Aizawa had a meeting with Nezu to have warnings about the wonder duo added to first year orientation until they graduate.

Unfortunately, from that point on, Izuku and Katsuki weren't allowed to leave campus without a third party. This being unfortunate for the third person, not them. After all, no one wants to be third wheel to such extreme and perfect soulmates.


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