Seeing Each Other Again

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There was something that no one taught during the hero course and that was how to deal with the loss of a fellow teammate, partner and a friend.

There were courses on how to help bystanders through the grief of seeing someone they knew die in front of them or even a stranger. The right words, the soft touches... but who was there for the heroes that laid down their lives and didn’t get back up.

So many of their friends and families have passed away.

Being sixty eight years old... he’s seen so much death with his own crimson eyes that it shouldn’t hurt this much but there was one key thing that Aizawa should have taught them years ago...

What happens when the one person walking along beside you leaves you alone?

Years ago, about ten, they both retired from being the Wonder Duo—The top two heroes for so many long years. Both of them moved out to the country like a older couple does and travelled the world for the past five years.

Katsuki knew that he would always be the one to stay as Izuku moved on to the next life without him. The large toll on his body, mind and soul of being a hero aged him faster than his body could take. One for All was burnt out dragging Izuku down with it.

Recovery Girl’s daughter set him on hospice in the comfort of his own home. A simple drip of morphine entered through the needle in his left arm. Izuku didn’t want anything else. Just something to keep the edge off.


The blonde lifted his head enough to peek over at the shorter man. “What’s up, nerd?” Old habits die hard. This was still his nerd, the man he married so many years ago.

Izuku smiled tiredly and lifted his hand, reaching out for him. “H-Hold me...?”

Hold me.

Two simple words that he would always say when he had a bad day. But in a sense, it wasn’t a bad day... well, at least for Izuku. Today would be the day he was finally done suffering. He’d be pain free and get to do things he missed doing again.

The nerd could finally write in his stupid notebooks again without almost being in tears with the joints and bones rubbing against each other from years of battles. He could finally smile his stupid cheeky smile and blind the fuckers all over again.

Katsuki grunted lightly, pushing himself off the wall and making his way across the room. Slipping into the warm bed, he snaked his arms around his husband’s body and tugged him against his chest. “It’s that time, huh.”

“A-Almost...” He whispered against Katsuki’s shoulder. “W-Will—” Izuku got cut off by a fit of coughs.

“I’ll be fine, Zu. You know that.” Katsuki whispered back softly. His fingers gentle rubbed tiny circles over his shirt as he counted every breath. “I love you, Izuku.”

Izuku’s stiff hand curled into the fabric of his shirt, “I-I... love you.” Of course, Izuku would fight until the very end. The nerd was always worried about him as was he. The issue was... Katsuki would be pretty much alone. Kirishima died in battle a few years ago... Denki following him. Mina moved to America with Sero and cut ties. Iida and Uraraka died last year in a car accident. Asui moved somewhere and Todoroki... who knows.

Against everything he wanted... he knew that he would have to become a liar on the last day with his husband. “It’s okay to let go, Zuzu... I’ll be fine. You fucking know me, nerd. I can take care of myself. What would you do if I died first, hah? You still can’t cook or do the laundry right.

“It’s better this way, baby.” He nuzzled his nose into the freshly washed curls, “No more pain... you’ll get to see Auntie and the old hag, Zawa... All Might.” Katsuki struggled to keep his voice from trembling as he felt his husband’s fingers slowly loosen their hold on his shirt and fall to his side. “I’ll see you again, baby. I promise.” Tears slowly fell from his eyes, rolling down his cheeks and into the forest green hair. “You were amazing, Izuku and I will love you forever.”

The blonde held his breath for a few seconds as he listened to the man against him. The room was silent. The ring on his left hand felt heavy and cold on his skin. Izuku was gone... in peace.

Izuku Midoriya died in the arms of his husband.

No one prepared him for this moment.

No one prepared him for the hurt that came with losing his other half.


Years went by.

Most of them spent inside their empty home as he waited for his day to come.

It took twenty four years for him to finally pass on.

Katsuki Bakugo spent his last day looking over memories. Thankfully, Izuku loved to capture any moment they had so over the long years of marriage they had over twenty photo albums and he spent the day going through every one of them.

It was like traveling through time, he started with the most recent ones then moved backwards. Their world tour. Friend events. Hero articles and photos. Thanks to his quirk and skin care, he ages gracefully as did his mother. Izuku did as well but he had a lot more wrinkles from smiling all the time.

God, he missed that smile... his voice... his warmth.

His trembling fingers flipped the page. This was one of his favorite pictures, their wedding. Izuku in a tux was one of his favorites but what really pulled his heart strings was the way they both looked at each other at the altar. His face was red from crying and Izuku’s cheeks damp with the flow of his tears.

That day was one of his favorites.

Katsuki ran his thumb over Izuku’s face and smiled weakly. “I love you, Izuku...” His eyes slowly fluttered closed as he exhaled his last breath with a faint smile on his lips.

At least this time... no one would behurt because he was gone.

He welcomed the bright light like a warm hug...

and there he was...



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