Sweater for Love

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Izuku liked to think that he had grown out of his clumsiness when he was at U.A., but that wasn’t exactly true. Right now he was sorely reminded of this.

He had been enjoying a glass of warm hot cocoa—thank god it had cooled down and was almost finished—and had got too excited while seeing a news article about Kacchan on his laptop. He had reached out to grab his phone so that he could send it to his husband, but instead, he knocked over his mug and spilled the contents all over himself.

His sweater was completely soiled. He got up carefully from where he sat, with a grimace now plastered on his face, and placed his cup in the sink. He had just finished his work, which is why he had been perusing the news site like he usually did when Kacchan was on duty without him. He needed to stay updated to hear if anything major happened. He couldn’t have his Kacchan injured without him knowing.

He closed his laptop and set it aside on the table. He moved to the laundry machine in their apartment and placed his shirt inside. He then headed to his and Kacchan’s shared bedroom, reaching his hand for the closet’s doorknob.

He looked around on his side of the closet, trying to find a sweater that was warm enough. Even though he had only been undressed for a few seconds, he was already starting to shiver. But he just couldn’t find anything he liked.

Then something in his peripheral caught his eye; he stood still for a moment, debating if it was worth it, before giving in.

He spun around and grabbed one of Kacchan’s sweaters off the hanger. It was perfect. Kacchan was bigger than him, and the oversized sweater would be warmer than anything he had.

He put the sweater on quickly and looked in the mirror. He was more surprised at what he saw than anything.

Why was it so big? Kacchan wasn’t that much taller than him, was he?

But it wasn’t the height, Izuku thought. Kacchan had a few inches on him, and that did make quite the difference, but this couldn’t all be ranked up to that. It was Kacchan’s muscles. He wasn’t taller, just bigger.

Izuku thought that he should have expected this. He sees his big, muscular arms every day, so how could he not have noticed? He then flushed at the thought.

He stood in the mirror relishing the loose fit, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment and only peaking out to see his reflection in the mirror.

“The fuck?”

Izuku jumped and looked behind him.


It seems he had come home early from patrol.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“I-I just thought I would wear your sweater. It looked really warm.”

Katsuki watched him with an odd look. “You have your own clothes.”

“Yeah well, I spilled something on mine…is it a problem? I can take it off” Izuku said, grabbing the hem.

“Do what you want…” He grumbled back. Izuku had been married to Kacchan long enough to know that meant he could keep it on.

He couldn’t refrain from staring at himself in the mirror once again. He knew Kacchan would be confused if he looked for too long, and would notice something off in his expression, but he couldn’t help himself. He liked this. Wearing Kacchan’s clothes made him feel so warm inside.

Izuku looked back in confusion; he expected Katsuki to have said something by now, maybe angrily asking why he was so flustered, but there was nothing. Katsuki’s odd look had morphed a bit, and he just stared wide-eyed at Izuku.

It seemed that Izuku wasn’t the only one getting flustered by this.

Yes, they were married, but Izuku and Katsuki had never really shared clothes with each other. He had never even thought of the possibility before. Izuku had just assumed Kacchan would say no.

“Kacchan…? Are you okay?” He had been spaced out for a while. Izuku started to grow even redder.

Maybe he had misread the situation and Kacchan really was mad?

Katsuki finally tore his eyes off Izuku’s body and looked him in the eyes. “I’m fine. You’re the one with a weird look.”

Izuku glanced in the mirror again and saw how red he actually was. “Oh.”

Katsuki rolled his eyes.

“You’re not mad though? I can just wear one of mine, it’s really not a problem…”

There was a long moment of silence before Katsuki pounced. He wanted to seem unbothered, but he wasn’t able to control himself. He shot forward and grabbed Izuku, kissing him hard.

They pulled away, panting, and stared into each other’s eyes. “You better fucking not.”

Izuku smiled. “If I knew you liked it this much I would have done this sooner.”

“Of course I like it. You look like a small fry. I didn’t realize you were such a short nerd.”

“Hey! I’m not short. You’re just big,” Izuku pouted.

“Yeah, right, you runt.”

“Don’t call me that!” Izuku laughed.

Kacchan smiled, which was a rare sight, especially lately with how much hero work they had been doing. Izuku smiled too.

Katsuki noticed the way the sweater hung off of Izuku’s body, exposing his collarbone. He bent down immediately to kiss the soft skin there, and Izuku sighed.

“Are we just gonna stand here? Let's go lie down. I wanna look at you properly.” Katsuki said, tugging his wrist.

“Okay, Kacchan. You must be sore from patrol. I’ll give you a nice massage later,” Izuku said with a smile, while his husband’s eyebrow raised.


“I promise I’ll make you feel good,” Izuku said as if he were on a mission.

“Can you promise me something else, pipsqueak?”

Izuku rolled his eyes at the nickname. “Hm?”

“Promise that you’ll steal my clothes again some other time?”

“Of course.”

The two of them left the closet, still clutching each other. They fell back onto the bed together, holding on tightly.

“And I didn’t steal anything. I just borrowed it.”

“Whatever you say, short stack.”

“Kacchan,” Izuku said indignantly before he was cut off with a kiss.


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