Wolf Instincts

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"Yeah, I got hit by a quirk... So SHUT UP!" Katsuki huffs, grumpily stomping all the way towards his desk.

"Nobody said anything, Bakubro!" Kirishima assures him, trying not to stare too much at the wolf ears over his head and the fluffy tail on his back.

"You all were thinking about it, don't lie to me," Katsuki growls back, although this time the growl sounds a little bit deeper than usual.

Even though Katsuki is more friendly towards Izuku now, he's not going to risk getting hit on the face with an explosion by making a comment on Katsuki's appearance, no matter how cute Izuku thinks he looks.

Instead he decides to greet him like usual, like nothing has happened.

"Good morning, Kacchan!"

Katsuki stops next to Izuku's desk before approaching his, for a moment the green haired boy thinks he's going to grunt a reluctant "morning" like he usually does, but then he notices that Katsuki's tail is wagging like crazy.

"That's so cute!"


Of course, that's probably because he's not used to his tail yet and it acts on its own. Blushing, but narrowing his eyes at the same time, Katsuki grabs his tail to stop it from moving.Suddenly, the boy leans only to bite Izuku's right cheek; it's a gentle nibble, but still enough for him to realize that Katsuki's teeth are sharper now.

"Kacchan! Why?"

"You're being annoying, nerd!"

Katsuki sits on his chair right before Aizawa walks inside the classroom. It seems their teacher already knows the situation because he only glances at Katsuki once before starting the class.

At some point Katsuki turns around to look at Izuku, his tail starts wagging, but it's not for long since the blond stops it quickly this time.

"I need to bite you again, Izuku."

"What?" Despite the confusion, Izuku manages to keep his voice low. "Why?"

"The mark on your cheek is disappearing already... I did it the wrong way. Besides, it's supposed to be on your ne-"


Aizawa startles both Izuku and Katsuki, especially after he frowns in the blond's direction.

"Recovery girl explained your situation to me. I know what you're trying to do, Bakugo. You won't be biting Midoriya. You must control your instincts."

Katsuki huffs, turns around on his chair, crossing his arms grumpily over his broad chest. There's no need to stop his tail from wagging this time because he's genuinely angry and frustrated.

Then Aizawa tells their classmates to keep an eye on Katsuki for the rest of the day, which prompts the blond to growl.

After class, Katsuki starts following Izuku around until they reach the common room; a couple of their classmates are there as well to make sure Katsuki doesn't get any funny ideas, although some of them are there because they're amused by the situation.

Before Todoroki can stop him, Katsuki grabs Izuku and sits on the couch with the green haired boy on his lap. Izuku squeaks in surprise; he feels suddenly very flustered, his cheeks are completely red.

"Bakugo, stop!"

"It's okay, Uraraka! I'm fine! He's not actually biting me," Izuku assures her, he can feel Katsuki's warm arms around his waist, pulling him even closer against his chest.Then Katsuki starts nuzzling against his cheek and neck.His tail is wagging again.

"You have to let Midoriya go at some point, Bakugo..."

"Nobody asked you, glasses!"

Izuku sighs and starts patting the boy's head to calm him down, which actually works. He looks a little bit less grumpy, although his tail moves fast from side to side; this time he doesn't even try to stop it because that'd mean letting go of Izuku.

"Is he bothering you, Midoriya? I can make him sto-"

"Mind your business, half and half! Izuku is my mate, not yours!

"Mate? Izuku glances at Katsuki only to watch as the wolf boy keeps baring his teeth at Todoroki, ears pointing backwards.

Convinced that this is all due to the quirk accident, Izuku sighs and decides to play along for now.

"It's alright, I'm fine," he assures the others. Then he turns to look at Katsuki before saying: "Yes, of course I'm your mate!"

Finally, Katsuki relaxes completely before nuzzling against Izuku's cheek again and purring happily.


The wolf ears and the tail disappear eventually, but Katsuki keeps cuddling with Izuku on the couch. He doesn't even mention it, he just does it whenever he wants to. Most of their classmates are not even surprised when they find them together, but Izuku convinces himself that some of the effects of the quirk haven't worn off completely.

"Quirk or no quirk you're still my mate, Izuku," Katsuki mumbles fiercely, slightly biting his cheek. "You're still mine."

"Kacchan, are you alright? If the quirk is still affecting you I think you should go to Recovery girl and-"

Katsuki bites him again, but this time it hurts a little.

"Ouch! Why?"

"Because you're being insufferably oblivious again, nerd!"

"Oblivious? But-"

"The quirk wore off a while ago! This is just... me."

"But what does this mean then? I-"

Katsuki leans to press his lips against Izuku's, effectively shutting him up for a couple of seconds.

"Oh... Oh!"

The blond rolls his eyes, but smiles fondly at him before kissing his pink cheeks.

"So... What do you say, nerd? Would you go on a date with me?"

"Yes, Kacchan!" Izuku says, tearing up a little before putting his arms around the blond's shoulders and giving him a kiss.

"Don't worry, guys, I took a video of everything!"

"Delete that immediately, Pinky!" Katsuki growls, but he doesn't make any attempts to untangle himself from Izuku.

"Please sent it to me, Ashido!"

"You got it, Midoriya!"

"You're a little traitor, Izuku..." Katsuki huffs, but he pulls the other boy closer to him, making him giggle in his arms.

"You want to watch it too, Kacchan."

Katsuki narrows his eyes, but he certainly doesn't deny it.


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