Kind and Loving Hands

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Midoriya Izuku is a dog
Characters are pro heroes


Izuku is a kind dog. He's a dog scarred and traumatized, kind hands and soft words lost to the dog. Izuku is misjudged. He isn't a ferocious beast that's willing to take your hand off at the drop of a hat; he's traumatized, scared, and fearful of mankind. Afraid of sickly sweet words. Afraid of muzzles and chains. Terrified of stepping into another ring and fighting against another dog to the death just for another small meal. Izuku doesn't know love, kindness, and genuine care.

All the poor dog knew (knows-) is harsh words, muzzles, and chains, cramped cages, and death. Izuku's gentle, soft nature is overlooked because of how aggressive and apprehensive the dog is. Coming from being seized from illegal dog fights and having been bred for power and aggression, with wild wolf blood and Tibetan mastiff and other [powerful breeds, Izuku was born, bred, and raised for blood, tearing, ripping, and danger.

He was the perfect opponent, trained from birth to kill on command. People don't see the kind dog under the low, threatening growls and booming barks from the dog. They don't see the gentle giant behind his large threatening stature, standing just shy of seven-and-a-half feet on his hind legs, weighing over two hundred pounds of solid muscle, equipt with large canines and sharp eyes. They don't see the blatant fear in Izuku's eyes, for Izuku does not know kind words, gentle hands, and sweet touches that many other dogs do.

Izuku is a kind, scared dog.


Kirishima sighs as he looks at the dented chain door on Izuku's cage. The large ceiling-high door was basically ripped to shreds from Izuku's issues with cages, the poor door barely hanging on the hinges. Izuku lays on his bed, glaring silently at the chain door, licking his large canines, resting his giant head on his paws. Kirishima groans under his breath as he opens the battered door, stepping in carefully.

Izuku doesn't seem fazed by his intrusion, staring at him curiously. Kirishima approaches the fluffy dog, bending down and scooping the dog up swiftly. Izuku doesn't even fight it as Kirishima bridal carries the two hundred pound dog without breaking a sweat, his long, spiked hair pulled into a large messy bun.

Kirishima has been a volunteer at Aka Ookami Shelters since high school when he was a hero in the making. They had visited the shelter when they were in downtown Musutafu (where Kirishima was currently stationed as the Number seven Pro Hero). Kirishima had fallen in love with the place. He had immediately wanted to work there, but volunteer work was much easier with his crazy schedule.

Kirishima grunts as he places Izuku in his new enclosure, the largest in the shelter. Instead of chain doors and metal bars, it was reinforced plexiglass and an invisible door that was also made out of plexiglass. They had made sure it was Izuku-proof.

He'd already ripped off three doors to shreds (not counting the one he /just/ demolished), they didn't need anymore. Even though they could afford it with Kirishima's funding (since his money goes to getting animals out of hoarder houses, abusive houses, and similar situations that Izuku had gone through), it got expensive to replace heavy-duty chain doors every few weeks whenever the overwhelming rage hit Izuku. So, with a little bit of splurging on Kirishima's part, they were able to make an Izuku-proof door and wall.

Izuku shakes his coat off, walking into the room, fully furnished, looking around as Kirishima shuts the sliding door, watching it hiss shut. Izuku turns at the noise, ears twitching as he turns to his bed, laying down.

Kirishima is no longer near Izuku, for the dog has apparently lost trust in the one man who was allowed near him. Kirishima mourns the lost trust, but with Izuku being the oldest resident to date, it's hard knowing that Izuku will most likely stay in the shelter for the rest of his life.

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