Till Death Separate Us Chapter 3

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Three months since Izuku got irreparably injured, Katsuki knew his husband wasn't as okay as he was letting on.

He had adjusted well to his prosthetics, quickly moving around seamlessly so much so that the first time some of their friends had seen him after the incident they were visibly confused as to why the former number-one hero still had his arms and left leg. He had asked for them to at least look like his old limbs, scars and all. Katsuki hated how the fake scars felt under his thumb, but he wasn’t about to complain.

To most people, Izuku appeared normal. He was known for being able to bounce back from everything and anything, but this was different. Izuku had been forced into retirement, now working as the voice in Katsuki’s ear whenever he was on patrol or on a mission himself. They worked well together, they always did. But this bond meant that Katsuki was quick to notice the change in Izuku’s demeanour.

It started at home, the place Izuku was always more open and vulnerable. Katsuki came home to Izuku cleaning the place for the third day in a row. Izuku and cleaning were two things that didn’t mix. Katsuki cleaned, Katsuki cleaned Izuku’s messes, the random clutter he would leave on the counter, the paperwork he would be working on until too late into the night that he’d fall asleep before and Katsuki would sweep it out of the way and then do it himself. Cleaning was Katsuki’s thing and even Katsuki did it only once a month.

He didn’t question it at first, he made a mental note to pay extra attention to his husband but assumed he was simply getting used to doing random things with his new arms. Until another habit got picked up.

Izuku was never late to work. He would either arrive early or exactly on time, depending on how clingy Katsuki was in the morning. Izuku had been walking to work whilst Katsuki drove, he told the blonde he wanted to get used to his legs and to see if he could eventually beat him to work. But Izuku somehow got later and later. This on its own wasn’t too worrying, Izuku had been walking slower than usual since getting his prosthetics and Katsuki knew better than anyone how easily distracted he got. They both had trackers on their phones to ease their minds, which Katsuki ended up checking one-time which led him to see that Izuku was at Inko’s when he was supposed to be at work.

He put off asking Izuku. It hurt that Izuku hid it from him, if he had just asked Katsuki would’ve driven him to her house himself - it was a lot further away than their agency. He also wondered why Izuku would hide it. They told each other everything, Izuku was the only person on earth that knew Katsuki’s every thought and he was proud of that. He thought Izuku felt the same.

It was only after the second time he noticed that he decided to bring it up. Izuku had looked unusually tired in the morning before leaving, they had a mini argument because Katsuki didn’t want Izuku running if he was tired, if it were up to him Izuku would go back to bed but Izuku insisted.

Katsuki was busy all day, meetings piled up on top of each other and he could barely breathe by the time he got home. But Izuku was already home, settled on the couch watching an old All Might documentary.

Katsuki joined him without even changing. He flopped down on the couch, head in Izuku’s lap and stared up at his husband, who only glanced down briefly, but it was enough to see that he had been crying.

“Zuku, what’s wrong?” Katsuki asked, bringing a hand up to Izuku’s face so the boy would look at him. Izuku clenched his jaw, then forced a smile Katsuki easily saw through.

“Nothing’s wrong, Kacchan!” It would have convinced anyone else, anyone that wasn’t Katsuki. He sat up abruptly, hands now cupping Izuku’s face so he couldn’t look away.

“I’m serious, you’ve been late so much recently and I know where you’ve been so don’t try to lie, I just want to know if you’re okay.” Izuku tensed having been caught out, but his eyebrows furrowed, a frown forming on his lips that shocked Katsuki. He was angry.

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