🍋Feral Rut🍋

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Sequel to previous chapter called '🍋Feral Heat🍋'


Izuku can tell the second he steps back on campus that something is off. He'd been away for a little under thirty-six hours, working on a sensitive mission for his work study. He'd been instructed to leave his phone at the dorm while away and at the time that seemed reasonable enough but now, with this horribly foreboding feeling washing over him, he regrets it.

When he enters their dorm building, everyone in the common room turns to stare at him before leaping off whatever they were sitting on.


"Deku, you're back!"

"Oh, thank god!"

"Um," Izuku pauses in the doorway, brows furrowed. He appreciates a warm welcome but their reactions are not helping his sense of impending doom. "Is everything okay?"

"No!" Half of them shout before they all devolve into chaos. Izuku can't really understand any one person with the way they all speak at once but eventually Yaoyorozu and Iida quiet them.

"Midoriya. Everything is...okay in the sense that no one has been irreversibly harmed. However, it is imperative that you go and meet with Mr. Aizawa at your room," Yaoyorozu tells him with a concerned look.

"Okay...but, where is Kacchan?" He asks, glancing around the room. "Is he okay?"

"Mr. Aizawa will explain everything," Uraraka assures him with a small, nervous smile.

Izuku frowns but nods and heads for the stairs, he doesn't have the patience to wait for the elevator with everyone being so weird. Luckily his room is only on the second floor so it's a short trip with a little help from OFA. The second he steps in the hall that uncomfortable sense of foreboding increases. It smells strongly of disinfectant and scent-remover here, like someone poured gallons on the floor and walls. Izuku scrunches up his nose as he looks down the hall to see his teacher leaning against the wall across from his dorm room door. He has a cast on his arm and looks even worse than usual in terms of exhaustion and irritation.

"Uh, Mr. Aizawa?" Izuku calls hesitantly as he makes his way down the hall. "Are you alright?"

"You didn't mark each other." Aizawa states flatly.

"W-Wha- I mean, well, we- Mr. Aiz-," Izuku stutters, face heating up as he tries to find some sort of reply that doesn't make him feel like he'll hyperventilate.

"It wasn't a question, Problem Child." Aizawa adds with a tired glare.

"Um," Izuku bites his lip, fingers twisting together nervously as he tries to piece everything together. "I'm not-"

"Hey, babe! I got some more scent neutralizer from Reco- oh! Hey little green dude, how's it goin'?" Present Mic greets Izuku as he steps off the elevator and heads down the hall towards them. "Man are we glad to have you back!"

"B-B-Babe!?" Izuku stutters with a wide-eyed stare glancing between his teachers.

Aizawa sighs and rubs his eyes. "Look kid, you need to take this more seriously. I told you both before that a pre-bond could be dangerous and you apparently ignored every word."

"No!" Izuku insists, waving his hands in front of himself. "We talked about it and we made plans and we...we were going to do it after graduation. My heat isn't due again until after and Kacchan's rut is in the fall so we were waiting until after graduation and then we'd um...maybe take a trip or something and...seal the bond." He finishes quietly, unable to look at either of his teachers.

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