In Your Arms Again Chapter 1

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Izuku and Katsuki are not childhood friends
Age difference


HE STAND at the very ledge of their school rooftop, five storeys high. His red rubber shoes were set aside neatly together with his yellow backpack. Green curls ruffling through the wind, he glanced down at the city in front of him, bustling with cars and people. Hands tight on the railings to keep him from falling... yet.

He took a very deep shaky breath between his sniffles. His tears never ending and falling endlessly in his face. The world was cruel to him. In the world where most people has this what you called "quirk", he happened to be those few people who isn't gifted, quirkless so to speak. Because of the mere fact, he became the victim of bullying. "Deku" is what they call him, it means "useless" and he was called that because they thought having no quirk is useless for the society.

And despite the people's insult to him, he wanted to be a hero. In a world which consists with people like heroes and villains, he wanted to be the person who'll save others with a smile on his face and assure them that everything is going to be fine, like All Might. So many dreams for a thirteen years old like him. Of course he wanted them to come true.

So why was he standing here at the ledge, thinking about jumping to end his quirkless life?

"You want to be hero? Haha, why don't you just swan dive off the roof and wish that in your next life you won't be quirkless? Sounds great, yeah?" he remembered one of his classmates said. He was being bullied again for being a nerd and quirkless wanting to be a hero. What's wrong about wanting to be a hero? Is it because he's quirkless that's why he can't be one? He wanted to save people's lives. He wanted to smile at them to assure that everything is going to be alright because he's here.

But he can't do that if he's quirkless.

That's why he's taking his classmates advice, what if he was right? So much for being a hero... he was quirkless! Maybe he's taking the advice, or maybe he was just tired to keep on dreaming the impossible, or maybe he was tired suffering from other's bullying every time. Whatever the reason it may be, he just wanted to end it all.

"Nothing will loose if I try, right?" he mumbled shakily, taking another deep breath. He sniffled, as he stared a the clear blue sky above him. The weather was nice today, the sun was up shining in the noon, clouds were scattered and like fluffy pillows in the sky. He smiled, his grip on the railings tightening the slowly loosing, another deep breath as a tear rolled down his cheeks. "Here I go..."

"I won't do that if I were you..."

He paused, startled, gripping to the railings again then he looked around just to see a spiky blonde teenager beside him. Casually leaning on the railings, staring at him with pale red orbs. He has this seemingly permanent scowl on his face, skin pale and he was wearing... was that... was that the UA High uniform?

"Uh..." he stammered as he stared back at the blonde. He don't know what to do or even have no idea what was the UA student doing here in their middle school. He was in between embarrassed, shame and awestruck. "Uhm... w-who're you?"

"Not important," the blonde shrugged, then suddenly glared at him pointedly. He flinched. "Who the fuck do you think you are trying jump off the fucking five storeys high building? What, you have some flying quirk or something?"

"I-I... I was... uhm—"

"Fucking stuttering, get off there! You're going to fall!" the blonde practically yelled at him. He was kind of scared of him, he don't know but the blonde was giving of a vibe that he was going to hit him if he don't get off the ledge so that's what he did, he get off and climb the railings to get to the floor of the rooftop. After he got off, the blonde didn't stopped glaring daggers at him. They stared at each other for a while before the blonde whirl going for the exit, muttering incoherent things under his breath like, "Don't fucking pull something like that again, fucking brat! Fucking ungrateful, you were alive for a fucking reason and then you're going to just end your life. Youth this days!"

The greenette was dumbfounded. "Uhm.. wait! You're from UA right?"

"THE HELL IS THAT WITH YOU?!" the blonde yelled at him, whirling back to glare at him properly and instinctively, he raised his arms to protect himself from the upcoming hit... if there is.


"Tch, I ain't going to hit you, fucking brat!" the blonde yelled, putting his hands on his pants pockets. His scowling glare never fades as he just scanned the boy from head to toe. "So what if I am from UA?"

The greenette dropped his hands then fiddled with the hem of his uniform. "I-It's just... w-what are you doing here? And what's your name?"

The blonde glare at him for a while, before he turned his gaze into another direction. He seems to think fondly of the answer. "We're on a school visit."

He nodded, his eyes suddenly shining. "A-And your name?"

"Why would you want to know?" the blonde snapped, turning to him to glare. The greenette don't know if he's always this angry, he wouldn't be lying if he said he was terrified of him.

"Well, I'm Izuku Midoriya... I-I just think I should know your name... since... you know... to thank you or something...?" he winced, then rubbed the back of his ears because of the sudden awkardness.

The blonde then tilted his head to the side, expression nonchalant turning into confusion. "But they were calling you 'Deku' earlier?" he mumbled and Izuku bit his lip as he scratched the back of his neck.

Sheepishly, Izuku answered, "They just call me that... since I'm... I'm quirkless," Izuku looked down. Then suddenly, there's tears pooling in his eyes again. "I want to be a hero too, but since I'm quirkless... the dream seems impossible. They bully for that and call me names even though I didn't do anything to them... like is it wrong to dream? I want to save people with a smile, defeat villains and make others safe... I know it's impossible... but..."

"So that's why you're standing there, planning to jump, going to take your own life?" the blonde asked, his glare soften a little. He crossed his arms in his chest as he studied the middle schooler in front of him. He then mumbled something that the greenette didn't catch. "Pretty much like me but a complete different reason."

Izuku then look up at the blonde, tears still streaming down his face. "I'm sorry I'm being dramatic... but how'd you know that they were calling me 'Deku'?" Izuku asked.

The blonde click his tongue, turning away again. "Happen to pass by, I just heard it from them..." he replied simply which the greenette nodded. He then noticed the bandage on the blonde's palms that goes up disappearing into his sleeves but didn't think to much about it. Maybe it was his aesthetics? Or for fighting purposes of his quirk, speaking of...

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your quirk?" he asked the blonde who seemed to bristles with the question, but then he turned his expression to nonchalant.

"Explosion, I can summon them in my hands using the nitroglycerin in my sweats," he said, flexing his bandaged palms. His expression unreadable as he stared at them for a while.

The greenette suddenly beamed, completely awestruck and he started mumbling, "Wow, that's a pretty awesome quirk! You can definitely defeat the villains using that kind of power! You said that they came from the nitroglycerin in your sweat right? So does that mean more sweat, much more bigger explosion!? That's just so cool, it's like your a walking bomb—"

"Hey! Pipe down, nerd! Why the fuck are you mumbling?" the blonde cuts him off, glaring and backing away a little. He was taken off guard by the greenette's sudden muttering.

Izuku flushed embarrassed, he tried looking around but him to hide his shame. "I-uh... I'm sorry! I just think that your quirk is kinda cool that I started mumbling unconsciously..."

The blonde looked at him, glare softening into actual concern. "Now I get it why they call you nerd..." he muttered. He then took a good look of the greenette as he let his lips into a soft small smile. "I will not say this again but listen to me nerd. I meant what I'm about to say."

The greenette perked up, looking at the blonde.

"Given that you have a great big heart to want to save some damn extras with a smile on your face—as what you said, you can be a hero... with or without quirk," he said, smirking slightly when he saw the other on the verge of tears. "And by the way, call me Kacchan."

And since then, they became friends.


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