🍋Mommy and her Baby🍋

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Female Bakugou Katsuki


Today is going to be a good day.

Izuku repeats that mantra to himself for the nth time even as Yo and Neito's laughter fades away down the hall, muffled from his place shoved into his own locker. Again.

At least they didn't take his phone this time.

Today is going to be a good day.

He wriggles his arm down to his pocket and manages to get it up to his face. His most recent conversation is still open, and he sends off a text with a few taps of his thumbs.

Me: it happened again <(_ _)>

There's no reply, but he doesn't expect one. The hall is silent now with everyone in class. He taps his fingers against the metal door to keep the ringing in his ears at bay, humming a song absently under his breath as he waits to be rescued.

Today is going to be a good day.

He gets to the end of the song before he hears boots stomping down the hall. His mouth curls up at the corners despite his situation. He can't force the smile to go away when the locker door is yanked open and he's greeted with an unimpressed scowl below angry red eyes.

"Thanks, Kacchan," he says, letting himself be pulled out of the locker.

Katsuki scoffs and crosses her arms. "What does this make, nerd? Third time this week?"

"Fourth," he replies promptly, then cringes under her glare. He ducks his head. "Sorry, Kacchan."

She clicks her tongue. "You gotta start standing up for yourself, shit nerd. Aizawa's gonna start thinking I have a bladder control problem if I have to keep excusing myself to the bathroom because you let those assholes shove you in a locker."

"I know, I know," he sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I just-I don't want to start anything, you know? We've only got one more year, and then high school is over, so it doesn't seem worth it."

"That's because you're a sweet little pacifist," she sneers, but he knows the tease for what it is. It has his cheeks heating up. She snorts, and adds, "Fuckers would probably shit themselves if you showed 'em your spine. That thing's made of steel."

The praise goes right to his heart and then spreads through his body, going to places he really wishes it wouldn't in the middle of school. Katsuki doesn't give it as freely as he does, which makes it even more special when she does-makes it meaningful. He sucks it up like a sponge whenever she gives it to him, and certain parts of him react accordingly.

His mean, wonderful girlfriend knows this, and her smirk is sharp as she watches him shift in place. The sight of it also goes straight to places he tells himself it really shouldn't, but it doesn't stop the fluttering of anticipation that thrums through his limbs, either.

Today is going to be a good day.

"Anyway," she says, dangerously casual. She steps in close to him until they're pressed chest to chest, and he tips his head up to keep his eyes on hers. "You're gonna have to make it up to me for pulling me out of class all the time to save your ass, nerd. Got any ideas for that?"

Her breath is warm against his cheek and smells like her favorite cinnamon gum. Izuku lets his eyes flutter closed as she brushes her lips against his. His dick twitches in his jeans when her hands land on his hips.

"Mm, I've got... a couple things I can think of."

"Good boy," she murmurs.

He melts against her when she finally slots their mouths together, and he feels no shame in thinking they fit like puzzle pieces. His arms wind up around her neck, draping over her shoulders as she backs him into the wall of lockers and deepens the kiss. It's a slick, lazy back and forth, and he happily submits to her demands, letting her tilt his head how she wants when she licks into him.

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