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Quirkless AU


<Izuku POV>

Ever since he was young, Izuku Midoriya has been enamored with the concept of soulmates. Every person in the world had a unique connection to their soulmate(s), the only person or people in the world who were cosmically destined for you. Obviously society had grown past the point of believing that cosmic destiny guaranteed compatibility, as proven by Izuku’s mother, whose soulmate mark is long gone just like Izuku’s father. And so people married and remarried and dated around and kept things casual, and whether or not you wanted to be with your soulmate was up to your discretion. And whether or not your soulmate wanted to be with you was up to theirs. Which can lead to heartbreak and despair, but can also lead to some of the happiest relationships Izuku has ever seen. Take his friends Uraraka and Iida, for example. They found each other a few years ago by chance, and have been together ever since.

Izuku has always wanted that.

Since he learned about soulmate connections Izuku had been ecstatic for his thirteenth birthday, because that was when everyone got their connection. Izuku’s worst nightmare was meeting his soulmate and not being compatible with them, or worse, meeting them and finding out that they didn’t want to be with their soulmate. But Izuku is unflinchingly optimistic, which is why he never gave up hope that he would be with his soulmate forever.

As soon as he found the guy, that is.

When Izuku turned thirteen, he found himself hearing thoughts that were most certainly not his. And that was how he figured out his soulmate connection; he could hear his soulmate’s thoughts. They couldn't communicate, unfortunately, but Izuku was treated to a 24/7 livestream of everything his soulmate was thinking. Which was both a blessing and a curse, because it meant Izuku got to learn about his soulmate and fall halfway in love with him just from hearing his thoughts. But it meant he also heard the bad thoughts, the late-night insecurities and the bitter resentment, the self-loathing Izuku hates so much.

And, of course, there’s the most striking thing about Izuku’s soulmate:

He is in constant rage mode.

I swear to fuck, if these motherfucking cars don’t fucking move I’m gonna blow some shit up. How hard is it to fucking go? The goddamn light is green, you fucking idiot!

Izuku sighs and huffs a fond laugh as he walks down the sidewalk, going back to his apartment complex after work. He’s a journalist, a writer for this paper about celebrity gossip or something. Izuku isn’t really paying attention, he’s just doing what he has to do to make money during college so that he can pursue a better career after he graduates. But all of that is for overthinking later, right now Izuku has a soulmate to deal with.

“What now, Kacchan?” Izuku mumbles quietly to himself, a small smile on his face. Over the years he’s taken to calling his soulmate Kacchan, since the guy is so freaking angry all the time that calling him by a cutesy nickname is just absolutely hilarious to Izuku.

Fucking finally! comes more of Kacchan’s thoughts, asshole dickhead-did that fucker just flip me off? He deserved that honk, I’ll fucking kill him! Suck on this, asshole!

Izuku can only assume Kacchan flipped him the bird back.

He’s never worried for his soulmate, he heard all of his thoughts during Kacchan’s teenage bully years and the late teenage years of therapy and anger management. Izuku would always send Kacchan his faith and good thoughts during those times, hoping that on the other side of their connection, Kacchan could hear those thoughts. But because of that Izuku knows Kacchan isn’t actually, like, murderous or anything, he’s just like that. But he’s all bark and no bite. Izuku’s heard the thoughts he has about his friends. He’s such a softie.

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