Forbidden Love

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No Quirk Au
Alpha Bakugou Katsuki
Alpha Midoriya Izuku


In a world where there was secondary genders, the relationship normality was pairings of Alpha and Omega bonds or at least Alpha and Beta or Beta and Omega bonds.

So, what Izuku and Katsuki had was considered… abnormal, or if you wanted to be particularly rude, wrong.

Everyone expected for Izuku to present as  an omega, even his mother. Katsuki was also one of the many people who thought the once little nerd would be an omega. So color him surprised when at age fifteen Izuku presented late as an alpha.

Now, the two boys had always had a close bond. They were best friends their whole lives and they just worked well together.

They were inseparable. Wherever one boy was, the other wasn't too far behind.

They were far from the old days where Katsuki had refused to admit the feelings he had for the green haired boy were love .

You could think of a childish act of bullying one's crush and Katsuki had probably done it.

Pull their crush's hair? Done. Come up with mean names for them? Check, Izuku became Deku. Refuse to admit your feelings and ignore your best friend because of it? ...Yeah. Not Katsuki's brightest moment.

Now at the highschool level, they were dating and had resolved all their feelings. They had laid everything out on the table.

Think of your stereotypical Jock, that was Katsuki. He was the school's star basketball player and he was handsome, too. He was the most popular guy in the school and girls, boys, and enbys alike- whether they were an omega or a beta- were all over him, wishing that they'd get the chance to be his partner.

But unlike your stereotypical Jock, Katsuki was smart. He was the top of his class, with his only rival academically being Izuku.

Like your common nerd, Izuku dressed dorky, and many people had bullied him for it in the past. He was very intelligent and Katsuki found himself excited with the way they would battle back and forth trying to be the top of their class. It gave both of them the thrill of a challenge.

Their rivalry wasn't harsh, however. It was more so teasing.

Both were alphas, and therefore they had their pride to maintain. Other than being alphas though, they were also lovers in secret.

They had to be careful to not reveal their relationship as to not get harassed, because as much as their society had progressed with rights and there had been pairings of same second genders, those types pairings were frowned upon and oftentimes disowned from their pack.

Neither boy wanted to risk losing their friends and family, but they also wouldn't let go of what they had with one another. They couldn't bear the thought of being without one another, and so they didn't. Their relationship was theirs- their little secret, and they were happy that way. They were more than enough for one another.


It was an evening after school, and Katsuki was alone practicing in the gym for the next basketball game. His hair was plastered to his forehead with a sheen of sweat and he paused his dribbling to lift his shirt up to wipe it, revealing his abs.

He wasn't by himself in the gym, however. Familiar green eyes watched him from the bleachers, locked on his every movement.

If anyone were to ask what Izuku was doing after school in the gym when there wasn't any other active member of the basketball team there, he had the excuse of being the main photographer of the school's newspaper. While being in charge of taking the photos for the paper, he also made captions and articles on the pictures for it.

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