Growing Old Together

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Katsuki almost jumped out of his skin when he felt a hand tap his shoulder.

“The hell?!” he snapped, twisting around in his seat on the couch and glaring at his husband of forty years. “Don’t sneak up on me like that, Deku! I’m an old man!”

Izuku furrowed his brow, making the wrinkles around his eyes stand out more. “I...I didn’t sneak up on you, honey. I called for you three times.”

“I...must not’ve heard you,” Katsuki replied, glancing at the laundry basket resting on his husband’s hip. Mentally bracing himself for what was coming, he adjusted his glasses and clenched his jaw.

“You didn’t?” Izuku asked, a frown pulling down the ends of his lips and highlighting the laugh lines there. He reached out his free hand and cupped his husband’s cheek, palm brushing against the stubble on his jaw. “I even dropped the laundry basket on accident and you didn’t react.”

Katsuki stiffened, swallowing back the first biting remark that popped into his head. Instead, he worked his jaw from side to side, then turned his head out of Izuku’s grip with a huff. “I knew you were fine without my help.”

“Kacchan, honey, don’t lie to me,” Izuku chided softly as Katsuki indignantly turned his head away. He set the laundry basket on a nearby chair and sat down beside his husband. “You didn’t hear me, did you?”

At first, he stayed silent out of stubbornness, but one glance at his husband was all it took to loosen his tongue. With a tired sigh, he looked down at his lap and answered, “No, I didn’t.”

“Was it because you weren’t looking at me when it happened?” Izuku asked, laying a hand on top of his husband’s. “Can you hear what I’m saying now, even though you’re not looking at me?”

“Yeah, I can hear you,” Katsuki replied, flipping his hand over and lacing their fingers together. With his other hand, he gestured to his right ear. “But uh, only out of this one, and just barely.” He gestured to his left ear. “This one’s gone to shit.”

Izuku squeezed his hand. “Maybe it’s time to get your hearing checked?”

“I don’t need a damn hearing aid!” Katsuki exclaimed, wrenching his hand out of Izuku’s and crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m not that fucking old!”

“Kacchan, it’s nothing to be ashamed of!” Izuku argued, keeping his voice level. After knowing his husband all his life, he knew losing his temper would only escalate the situation. “It’s just a hearing aid! They make them almost invisible these days!”

“But I’ll know they’re there!” Katsuki pointed out, shooting a glare at him and gesturing to himself. “I’ll know I need them because I can’t hear for shit anymore and it’s my own damn fault!”

Switching tactics, Izuku slipped an arm around his husband’s waist and scooted closer. “Honey, it’s not your fault your hearing is going bad.”

“Should’ve known all those years of explosions going off right next to my head would kill my hearing,” he grumbled, turning his glare on the coffee table in front of them. “I was a reckless, dumb kid.”

“We’re just getting older, that’s all,” Izuku cooed, tucking stray strands of gray hair behind Katsuki’s ear. “Nobody’s immune to it; even I’m having a harder time.”

Katsuki cracked a smile. “Tell me about it. You complain about your arthritis every damn day!”

“That’s because it hurts!” Izuku laughed, thumping him in the chest with a playful swat. “You try breaking most of your bones and not getting arthritis later!”

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