Kacchan is.....

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Trans Bakugou Katsuki


"Kacchan! You’re here!" Izuku grinned, pulling Katsuki into a tight hug. It's been weeks since he has seen his boyfriend, after all. Neither of them had nearly as much free time to spend together as they did before graduation and, since they both had such inconsistent schedules, it was rare that they would both have the same day off. They’ve made it work, though, with a lot of video chatting, phone calls, and texts back and forth.

Except recently Katsuki has hardly been responding to Izuku’s text messages - including the one he sent a couple days ago asking if Katsuki was still going to stop by on his birthday.

"'Course I am, dumbass," Katsuki scoffed as he wrapped his arms around Izuku's shoulders to return the hug, "You think I'm that shitty of a boyfriend to not show up for your birthday? Tch."

"What? No!" Izuku quickly said, pulling away just enough so he could look down at Katsuki. "I was just kind of worried I had done something or that you were upset with me, though I know that you would say something if you were so maybe I shouldn't have been so nervous about that but we haven't even really talked much lately... but I also know you've been busy and so have I and it's not like either of us chose to have conflicting schedules that made it impossible to hang out but I've still missed you so much and -"

"Yeah, yeah," Katsuki interrupted the rambling, rolling his eyes at Izuku. "I missed you, too, nerd," he said, pulling Izuku down for a soft kiss.

"You the only one around right now or somethin'?" he asked, craning his neck to look behind Izuku.

"Uh - Yeah, for now," Izuku said, "D’you wanna come in?"

The answer he got was a short nod and an affirmative grunt, Katsuki shoving his hands into the deep pockets of the pants he was wearing as he followed Izuku further inside.

"'Ey, Deku," Katsuki spoke up just as they crossed the threshold into the living room and when Izuku turned to look at his boyfriend he found Katsuki leaning against the doorway. Their eyes met for half a second before Katsuki jerked his head to the side, red eyes flicking down towards the floor, a certain tension in his shoulders that Izuku immediately recognized as anxiety.

"Yeah, Kacchan?" Izuku tilted his head at his boyfriend. "Is... something wrong?" he asked softly when Katsuki didn't say anything after a few moments.

The blond took in a deep breath and let it out in a heavy sigh before he pulled what looked like a folded paper out of his pocket, taking a few steps towards Izuku until he was barely a foot away from him, and shoving it against his chest.

"Happy birthday, I guess," he mumbled, still resolutely not looking at Izuku.

"Um. Th-Thanks?" Izuku frowned, barely managing to catch the paper when Katsuki let go and pulled his hand away without warning.

Slowly, Izuku unfolded it to find a picture and it took several long seconds for Izuku's mind to connect the dots and work out exactly what he was looking at.

The grainy image was clearly an ultrasound. An ultrasound that had the unmistakable outline of a baby right in the middle.

That much was easy to figure out, but...

Why was Katsuki giving him something like this?


All the air in Izuku's lungs left in one punched out breath as it clicked and he looked up wide-eyed at his boyfriend, mouth hanging stupidly open as he tried to figure out what to even say. Nothing was coming to mind, though, brain completely void of any thought that wasn't somewhere along the lines of 'Kacchan is pregnant' and 'I'm going to be a Dad.'

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