It All Started With A Bento

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Middle School Midoriya Izuku (At the start. Later on will be at UA)
Omega Midoriya Izuku
Alpha Bakugou Katsuki


Izuku dragged his feet into the lunch room, stomach growling at the mingling scents of everyone else’s delicious food. The middle school cafeteria had the worst foodso most everyone packed their own meals. Typically, Izuku did too…except he’d forgotten his lunch at home today. He did his best not to scent the space as he searched for an open seat, wanting to avoid the mouthwatering smells as much as he was able. Maybe if he just focused really hard on his notes, he could make it through the mandatory lunch period without going insane or bursting into tears. The day had already felt so long, and he had physical education this morning, too! So many calories burned. He was really, really starving. 

It took just a few minutes to find an empty slot at a long table, almost filled with kids who generally paid him no mind. There were two more empty chairs across from him, and he silently hoped they would stay that way as he pulled out his notebook for distraction. He wanted to review the notes he’d taken that morning on Kamui Woods, who had taken out an intense new villain the night before. Izuku had just begun sketching in the lines of Kamui’s branching limbs when a painful cramp overtook his gut, his abdomen practically screaming hunger for all to hear. 

So embarrassing…

He buried his head in his hands, elbows braced on the table as he tried to hide his most-certainly-beet-red face. Even his ears burned as his pulse thudded in his ears. The last thing he wanted was to draw others’ attention. He was already the quirkless omega still hoping to be a hero—already stood out like a sore thumb on a screaming toddler. He was doing his very best to make himself temporarily invisible when something hard slammed into his forearms.

He lifted his face from his palms to see a bento before him, unopened and smelling divine. Green brows shot to Izuku’s hairline as his mouth began to water. 

Was someone teasing him? Did they hear his stomach?! 

Izuku quickly shoved the bento away, heart flying a mile per minute as his eyes frantically darted around in front of him to pick out who had done this. Tears welled against his lashes as something sour swirled in his gut. Of course, they were picking on the pathetic, quirkless omega, starving without his lunch. Of course, they’d—

His green eyes met crimson red—surprisingly wide and vulnerable compared to what Izuku had come to expect. Usually Kacchan looked at Izuku with a—


Oh, yes. There was the snarl he’d expected. 

“What the hell?!”

Izuku reeled. “Wh-what?! I-I’m sorry! I didn’t—uh…I mean—I’m—wait…” 

What had he done, exactly? He racked his brain, searching for what he might be guilty of, because he must have messed something up But all he’d done since sitting in this seat was mind his own business, write in his own notebook, and push away a bento which was clearly not his own…

Oh, the bento! Was it Kacchan’s? Shoot!

“Take my freakin’ bento, asshole! You can’t just refuse it!” Kacchan shouted, scent growing loudly smokey, harsh and grating on the senses. He shoved the container back at Izuku, whose jaw had dropped at the statement. “You need to eat some damn food.” Katsuki continued. “I’m sick of that poor excuse for your scent.”

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