In Your Arms Again Chapter 4

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Izuku and Katsuki are not childhood friends
Age difference


HERO DEKU was now tired because of his hero work. He trotted his way back home with a duffel bag on his right hand which contains his hero costume. He sighed, entering to his condominium building.

"Good work today, hero Deku!" the receptionist have greeted him when he pushed the glass door open to let himself in, he smiled at her returning the greeting to her, then continuing to walk towards the elevator.

He pressed the button to his floor then leaned into the wall of the elevator, breathing out a loud tired breath. He was so tired and beat today, he had sent three villains into prison and had to chase one of them all over the place. He also had to help the citizens near the collapsing construction site and rescue the ten people who's trap in there. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

The elevator come to a stop with a ding, he pushed himself from leaning on the wall. Walking yet again into the long hallway until he reached his condo. He unlocked the door pushing it open, dropping the duffel bag on the floor, he rolled his sleeves as he slumps at the couch.

If he could, he would sleep right here in the couch and let the time flew by, until it is morning.

"Tired?" a voice called, he opened his eyes abruptly that he didn't know he unconsciously closed. He looked around frantically and gasped when he spotted a ash blonde male, that he hadn't seen for the few years, standing in the door way of his kitchen. "Shouldn't you eat first?"

"Kacchan..." Izuku muttered, shock with wide eyes and mouth almost hanging open. How long has it been since he last saw him in the roof top when he was still a third year high school? Tears pooled in Izuku's eyes as he stared at the ghost in his kitchen door way.

Kacchan smirked, delighted to see the greenette once again, pushing himself from leaning into the door way. He still have the same outfit as before. He still wears that UA High uniform, his height unchanging as well as his appearance. He approached the greenette on the couch, standing in front of him.

"Look who's now a hero..." he said, smirk turning into a fond grin. He stared right into the emerald glistening eyes of the hero. "Hero Deku, huh? What a lame name you have..."

Izuku tried to chuckle but it turned into a choked sob as he reached for the ghost, wrapping his arms into the cold body. He didn't get why he was able to touch him in the first place but nonetheless, he was here again. He buried his face into the blonde's abdomen, sniffling.

"Hey, pipe down nerd. I don't see the need for you to cry, you're a hero now..." Kacchan sneered at him, but it didn't come off offensive because he said that softly. He wrapped his cold arms around the greenette, hugging him back. "You're still the same nerd, I see. Nothing has changed aside from you grow few muscles and height."

Izuku nuzzled his cheeks into the blonde's stomach, gripping tightly at Kacchan as if he was scared that he would vanish right in front of his eyes once again. "Kacchan..." he whispered softly, face still burried into the ghost. "Kacchan... I missed you..."

Kacchan's gaze soften, smirking softly as he ruffled the green curls. It was soft to his touch. So warm. "Miss 'ya too, nerd," he mumbled, burrying his face to the green curls. "So much..."

Izuku felt his heart squeeze in delight in hearing that words from the blonde. He had missed his one and only best friend, his one and only love of his life. He missed him so much that he keeps on wishing that the ghost will come back one day... and it did. He was here, in his arms. Cold arms wrapping back into him, tight as if Kacchan wouldn't want to let go as well. His years of wishing and waiting was now paid off because he was here, he came back...

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