All For Love and Family

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Female Bakugou Katsuki (Katsumi)
No Quirk AU


The underworld of Japan knew him as a cold-hearted killer, a mafia boss who would shoot anyone in the blink of an eye. But behind the ruthless mask, there was a softer side to Izuku Midoriya. A side that only his wife, Katsumi, could bring out.

Katsumi, a former Bakugou, was the light in Izuku's dark world, the reason he breathed. She was his everything, and he would do anything to make her happy, to protect her from harm. Even if it meant getting his hands dirty in the criminal underworld they lived in.

Izuku would never forget the day they met. It was love at first sight, and he knew then that she was the one for him. They got married shortly after, and their life together was nothing short of perfect. Every morning, Izuku would wake up to the sound of her beautiful laughter, and every night, he would fall asleep with the image of her soft smile etched into his mind.

But even in this seemingly perfect world, there were always threats looming. Other crime families wanted a piece of their pie, and they were willing to go to great lengths to get it. Izuku had to be vigilant, always ready for anything.

He made sure to surround his beloved wife with bodyguards, and he personally trained them himself to be the best in the business. He knew that he couldn't always be there to protect her, but he did everything in his power to make sure that she was safe.

One day, while Izuku was away on a business trip, one of the rival crime families decided to make their move.

They sent a group of assassins to Katsumi's home, intending to kill her and take over their territory. Unbeknownst to them, Izuku had planted hidden cameras all around the house.

As he watched the events unfold on his screen, he felt a rage like he'd never experienced before consume him. He knew that he had to act fast if he wanted to save his wife.

Izuku contacted his most trusted allies, informing them of the situation, and together they formulated a plan.

As the assassins broke into the house, Izuku and his men stormed in from all sides, engaging them in a brutal gunfight. The assassins were no match for Izuku's well-trained men, and within minutes, they were all lying dead on the floor. Izuku rushed to Katsumi's side, tears streaming down his face as he held her tightly.

She looked up at him, confusion and fear in her eyes. "Izuku, what happened? I heard gunshots... who was it?"

He didn't respond, instead, he held her closer and kissed her forehead, promising her that everything was going to be alright. They both knew the risks they took by living this life, but they also knew that they were stronger together.

Izuku's men, bloodied but unbowed, surrounded them. They had all fought valiantly to protect their boss's wife, and now that the immediate threat had been neutralized, they were ready to take care of the rest.

The aftermath of the battle was gruesome; bodies littered the floor, blood pooled beneath them like a crimson lake. But Izuku didn't let the sight of it dampen his determination to keep Katsumi safe.

He stood up, his shoulders squared, and addressed his men.

"We need to gather any evidence these fools left behind. We'll find out who sent them, and make sure they pay the price for their mistakes." His voice was cold and commanding, yet there was a hint of vulnerability in it that only Katsumi could see. She knew how much this meant to him, how much he loved her and wanted to protect her.

The men nodded in unison, their expressions grim. They knew what needed to be done, and they would do it without hesitation. They fanned out throughout the house, searching for any clues that might lead them to the masterminds behind the assassination attempt.

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