Izuku's Boyfriends

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Protective Tododeku
Angry Midoriya Izuku
Abused Bakugou Katsuki
Polyamory Relationship
R.I.P Mineta💀


Midoriya has always been protective over the people he loves. Despite his overly emotional disposition in life, he is known to have a short fuse and is quick to anger when anyone upsets the ones he cares about.

Todoroki and Bakugo tie for the number one spot on his list of people.


Over the years at U.A. Todoroki and Midoriya became close. Very close. Between all of their secrets shared, life or death situations experienced together, traumas aired out into the open, late night talks, falling asleep in the same bed, things were bound to grow beyond platonic. And they did.

Even from the beginning their relationship was no secret. To Todoroki's absolute mortification, Midoriya made sure to make it painfully obvious. Affectionate pet names were not uncommon. Between baby, kitten, and sweetheart, Midoriya could never decide which one he liked calling Todoroki the most. And so he would alternate. Sometimes by day, sometimes by hour. There was never a moment in which Midoriya called Todoroki by his given name.


Todoroki was in a love-hate relationship with hickey's for the longest time. He loved the meaning behind them. The primitive feeling of being claimed. The feeling of safety and protection they provided as they warded off any other idiots in love and thus protecting him from uncomfortably awkward situations. But they also brought along unwanted stares, suggestively wiggled eyebrows, sly smirks, little snickers and a boundless amount of uncomfortable questions.

Midoriya always made sure to have him visibly marked up.

The displays of affection were also quite frequent. Todoroki could be in the middle of a conversation with someone and Midoriya would swoop out of nowhere, plant a kiss on his cheek or lips, and be gone as fast as he came, leaving behind a flustered blushing mess of a teen. Everyone found it quite amusing, but mostly fascinating at how quickly and easily Midoriya can break Todoroki's ever stoic mask.

The only downside of their quite obvious relationship was Bakugo.

Bakugo became more violent, more bitchy, less approachable(not that anyone except Kirishima and the self-proclaimed bakusquad had the guts to even greet him). Every time he caught sight of the two love birds he would scoff, roll his eyes, and promptly leave the room. The avoidance of the two was painfully obvious. Some were starting to think he was homophobic. Others believing he was jealous of the relationship seeing as no one would ever want to date someone so loud and violent.

The tension and avoidance lasted for a month before it stopped completely. This left everyone confused (yet very grateful) as nothing had seemed to change. Midoriya and Todoroki stayed their lovey dovey selves and Bakugo went back to his normal, loud-mouthed cussing, ever threatening ways. Except he no longer avoided the couple and the couple no longer kept their distance. In fact, it seemed as if the three had gotten closer.

Bakugo still marched about the dorms in all of his haughty self-righteous glory, but for some reason Midoriya and Todoroki followed right behind, just like lost puppies. There were times when Bakugo would blow up, start to cuss out the person who annoyed him, before looking up, seeing something and suddenly stopping, opting to scoff and walk away instead. No one ever connected the dots upon seeing Midoriya or Todoroki where the blond had looked, nor when one of the two (sometimes both) would follow after wherever he stomped off to.

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