Love that Blooms in the Summer

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It started, as if often did, with a third party intervention.

“Can you two stop flirting over there and get these bags inside already?” Ochako said from the front door of the beach house, a giant duffle bag lugged effortlessly over her shoulder.

Izuku turned away from Katsuki with the sudden realization of where he was, his hand dropping from Katsuki’s shoulder.

Multiple cars were lined up on the narrow street outside Momo’s beach house, with most of the Class A alumni stepping out of their vehicles and making their way to the vacation home with their luggage in hand. Izuku didn’t pay them any mind though, his focus drifting from Kacchan’s half-grin to the voice who called them out.

Flirting?! He and Kacchan were not flirting. Where the heck did Ochako get that idea from?

Izuku looked toward Katsuki again, only to find him looking back at him with no trace of his previous laughter. He wore an expression of contemplation, almost curious. Izuku felt his insides burning, the heat of the day doing nothing to cool him down.

With nowhere to hide, Izuku attempted to obscure his face by fiddling with the brim of his cap, adjusting it obsessively over and around his head.

Was Kacchan upset at the suggestion that they were flirting? Is that why he stopped smiling?

“Pfft,” Izuku said finally, when Katsuki refused to look away and Izuku could no longer get away with messing around with his cap for so long, “She’s just joking.”

“Hm.” Katsuki cocked his head and regarded Izuku’s face for another moment. “Was she?”

Izuku blinked stupidly at him, his mind going absolutely and completely blank. Did–did he hear that right? “Uhhh… what?”

A corner of Katsuki’s lips twitched up. Before Izuku could do anything else, Katsuki gripped one of Izuku’s cheeks between his fingers and pulled at it, making Izuku squawk at the abruptness of it. Before he could even protest, Katsuki leaned down and nipped gently at the skin, before licking a long stripe of saliva over the bite.

“What-the-hell-Kacchan?!” Izuku spluttered out rapidly, pushing Kacchan off him with one hand while the other flew to his face. “What’d you do that for?!”

“There was something on your face, nerd.” Katsuki said nonchalantly, shoving his hands into his pockets as a wicked grin took over his face.

“Something on my–?” Izuku rubbed at his cheek furiously, something like embarrassment and excitement flaring up inside of him all at once. “So your solution was to bite me?”

“Oops.” Katsuki loomed over him until their faces were only a few inches apart. “You gonna do anything about it, nerd?”

And Izuku, with nothing better or cooler to say, blurted out, “I’ll bite you back.”

Katsuki barked out a short “Ha!” at that, which seemingly surprised both of them. He shoved a hand into Izuku’s hair and pushed him backwards. “I’d like to see you fuckin’ try.”


From inside the beach house, Momo pushed apart the thin curtains over the window facing the beach to let the sunshine in. Just as she was about to turn away, though, she noticed something.

“Kyo, honey,” she called out without looking away. “Why is Midoriya snapping his teeth and running after Bakugou?”

From the kitchen, Kyoka just chuckled drily. “Babe, when it comes to those two, it’s better not to question it.”

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