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Izuku let out a laugh as he walked out of the hole he had made in the side wall of the hospital. He turned around slightly to look up at the higher floors and couldn't help but grin at the busted windows. He had stopped at all the floors to let out a burst of heated wind to shatter all the windows.

He needed to leave behind a signature, of course.

Though, Izuku belatedly realized that the massive hole in the wall could also be a signature.

Oh well, Katsuki always liked more damage left behind anyway.

Izuku adjusted the hoodie he stole, sleeves pulled up to his elbows. He looked around with his one eye slowly, smirk tugging at his lips as he saw Shouto across the street.

"Come to visit me again, Shouto?" Izuku called out to the other. He walked out into the street and laughed loudly when he heard tires squeal and Shouto shout for him. "Quite the amount of damage, don't cha think?" He called out, glancing back at the hospital. He continued on his way across the street.

Izuku looked up at Shouto once he stepped onto the sidewalk. He grabbed Shouto's hand and leaned down to kiss the knuckles.

"Sorry to cut this meeting short, but I have to go break someone out of prison," he cooed sweetly. "But don't worry, Kacchan and I will come back for you real soon."

"Wha-" Shouto was cut off as Izuku activated his quirk and disappeared onto the roof of the building behind Shouto.

"Make sure you let the pro heroes hide you, Shouchan! Kacchan loves to hunt for his prey! Bye now!" Izuku called down for Shouto to barely hear.


Shouto's voice was lost among the sirens rounding around the corner and the shouting from the people around him. Despite the situation going on at the moment, he stood frozen with his gaze locked onto the building that Izuku had leaped onto.

"Midoriya, why," Todoroki asked himself quietly. "I just got you back."


Izuku giggled softly as he flipped the severed hand he was carrying in his own hands. He looked down at it with awe as he walked down the hallway. The cast on his foot didn't make the walk easy, but he didn't want to risk breaking it off before it was healed. He already had a permanent injury to last, he didn't need another one.

Izuku turned the corner and let out a gasp of mock surprise. "Oh, you found me," he cooed, standing still in his spot. He held his wrists out, still holding onto the severed hand. "Take me away!" He called out dramatically.

"Izuku Midoriya, you are under arrest for-" the closest guard began to speak before he was suddenly flung into a wall.

"Arrested?" Izuku asked sweetly as he moved forward then. He walked over to the man who hit the wall, watching his body collapse on the floor. "I just came to visit my Kacchan. You understand, right?" He purred as he leaned down and swiped some of the man's blood onto two of his fingers.

"Oh, I guess he's dead now."

Izuku tilted the man's head to see that the man's head was busted wide open. He hummed thoughtfully and poked at the exposed brain, grinning as the body twitched.

"Or not."

Izuku stood up straight and beamed.

"Who's next?"


"The security here isn't that great," Izuku laughed as he opened the door to Katsuki's cell. "You could have broken out at anytime," he added.

"I wanted to give you time," Katsuki said sweetly to Izuku. "And now they'll all believe how evil you truly are since you came to break me out." He cupped Izuku's face as he stood from his chair. He swiped blood from the corner of Izuku's mouth. "God, you are beautiful."

Izuku grabbed Katsuki's wrist and licked the blood from the other's thumb. "There's a few guards I left alive for you," he cooed. "They're unconscious right now but still in perfect shape. Well, they might have a few cuts and bruises, but I tried to keep them relatively uninjured. I wanted to let you play."

Katsuki purred as he pulled Izuku to be pressed fully against him. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asked lowly. He kissed the smaller male deeply, tilting Izuku's head back.

"I'll take the guards, I'm sure they'll be useful. But the only people I want to play with are you and Shouto," Katsuki murmured after the kiss broke. "He clearly likes you, and he needs to be punished for it."

Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki's neck loosely. "Will I get to help punish him?" He asked sweetly.

Katsuki hummed thoughtfully and then smirked. "Yes, you're going to help me punish him baby," he cooed.


"It was quite easy to get you here," Katsuki purred to Todoroki, who was strapped down into a chair and only in his boxers. "Which I expected because you're so eager to save Izuku," he cooed.

"Let me go, Bakugou!" Todoroki demanded as he jerked in his restraints. "Where is he? Did you tie him up too?"

"Of course I didn't," Katsuki replied. "He's just doing something for me right now." Katsuki leaned down to be in Todoroki's space then. "Oh, I forgot that you haven't been able to watch the little security footage from the prison. My baby was beautiful in the videos. Throwing all those men and women around like rag dolls. It was artwork, really," he purred. He stood up straight then and turned towards the door as it opened.

"Ah, there you are," Katsuki said as he turned to go to the other. "Did you get what I asked for?"

Izuku smiled brightly and held up a small item that looked like a bulky pen. "Of course I did," he said proudly. He placed the item in Katsuki's outstretched hand. "I brought the creator as well. He's with Kirishima right now."

"Excellent," Katsuki said lowly. He turned to face Todoroki again, looking over the item he was holding. "Do you know what this item is, Shouto?" He asked as he looked at the other. He didn't wait for the other's reply. "This little item can be used to erase and replace memories. It can also be used to severe limbs and cauterize the wound at the same time. Really perfect for torture."

"Can I use it on him first?" Izuku asked eagerly. "Please?" He added sweetly when Katsuki looked back at him. He perked up when the blond handed him the item without complaint.

"Leave his memories for now, baby. Save that for me." Katsuki turned away to give Izuku and Shouto some private time. "And don't ruin him too quickly. I want this toy to last a while," he mused to Izuku.

"I'll play nicer then," Izuku replied.

"Good boy." Katsuki made his way out of the room now. He walked out of the room as the first of Shouto's screams rang out.


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