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“Kacchan?” There was a knock at the door. Katsuki sat up quickly, rushing to the front of the room. He paused for a moment, taking a breath as to not seem so eager, before carefully opening the door.  

Once he opened it, he was met with watery green eyes and a pained, panicked, expression. Izuku flung his arms up onto the blond, hugging tightly onto his shoulders, his breath shaky, light sniffing filling the empty space of the room.  

He buried his face into Katsuki's neck as he cried softly. “Can i stay with you tonight?”  

Katsuki stood still, Izuku still clinging onto his body. His face softened, a gentle smile playing on his lips. Carefully, he pried the crying boy's arms from his shoulders, then gently caressed the side of his face before softly nodding. “Yeah, sure.”  

He took his hands, leading Izuku into the dorm towards the bed. Izuku sat down on the edge of the mattress as Katsuki went to fish out himself a new shirt.  

“Gosh, I-I'm sorry.” Izuku said, hiding his face in his hands in embarrassment as Katsuki removed the old shirt, damp with tears and snot.  

“Don’t worry ‘bout it.” he replied, tossing it into the hamper and putting on the new shirt.  

Katsuki made his way back to the bed and climbed in on the opposite side. He laid down, Izuku doing the same, their bodies facing each other, their breathing in sink. Izuku stayed quiet, his beautiful, still glossy, eyes focused on Katsuki's face, tracing his features, noting every detail.  

Izuku looked at him with those beautiful doe eyes with so much pain, like it was the last time he’d ever get to see him. As if it were his last moment with him before he’s gone forever.  

Katsuki doesn’t know why it is he came here tonight. He doesn’t know what happened, what or who it was that made him so upset. He hated to see Izuku like this, but he couldn’t help but feel warm knowing that out of all the places and all the people, Izuku would come to him for comfort.  

He feels guilty- enjoying this so much- but the moments he has alone with him, the moments he gets to have Izuku all to himself without anything or anyone in the way, are the times Katsuki treasures most. He wants to hold on to this forever. There’s only so much time left.  

They’re graduating soon. In just a few months they’ll be heroes, pros, out in the world, fighting for the well-being of the people. Katsuki knows Izuku will be great out there, saving everyone with a smile, but… how can he be sure Izuku is taken care of?  

He’ll be out of arm's length, too far for Katsuki to reach. All this time, growing up together, never being apart, the effort and work they’ve put into rebuilding their relationship, will become nothing. Nothing at all.  

Katsuki had always assumed it would end with both of them going their separate ways. Hell, he thought it would’ve happened years ago, but they’ve grown, and he never thought the idea of losing him would feel this bad.  

But for now, Izuku is here.  

“What happened?” Katsuki asked, brushing the soft curls from his face.  

Izuku shook his head with a weak smile as if to say it was nothing. He was hesitant to say anything, but Katsuki was persistent, and Izuku couldn’t lie to him.  

“I just,” he sighed, closing his eyes tightly so that he doesn’t start crying again. “We’re graduating soon, Kacchan. we… we’re going to be heroes, just like we always wanted. We’ll be out, in the real world, making lives for ourselves, leaving these years behind…but kacchan I'm not- I don’t-” he began to cry, shaking his head again, unable to form the words.  

“What is it?” Katsuki wiped a tear that had fallen from his cheek with a worried look.  

Izuku grabbed his hand and held it tightly with both of his. Calloused palms caressed with scarred tattered fingers. “Kacchan, I- I don’t want this to end.” he said, his eyes no longer meeting the blonds. “I’m not ready to lose you, Kacchan. I’m not sure what my life would be like without you in it, if you’re not there, and I'm terrified…"  

"I want you to come with me. A-and I know that’s so selfish of me, and i don’t even know why I said it, why would you? It’s stupid, it’s so stupid, but i-“  

“Izuku,” the boy stopped, looking back up to meet his gaze. “I'll come with you.”  

“Kacchan, you don’t-”  

“I want to.” he stated again.  

“You don’t even know what I was going to say.” Izuku laughed lightly.  

“It was probably something along the lines of ‘you don’t have to come with me just because I asked you’ am I right?” The boy's silence confirmed that he was.  

"Izuku, I can't imagine my life without you either.” Katsuki paused. “The thought of not having you at arm's length at all times terrifies me. I just got you back and I don't want to let go. So, don’t you dare tell me that you think I won’t come with you." Izuku began to cry again, but it wasn't as pained as before.  

"Look at me, do you see this?" Katsuki pointed to the scar on his left shoulder. Izuku reached to touch it, softly brushing his fingertips on the thick skin. "I would risk anything for you, Izuku, and I’m not going anywhere without you by my side."  

Izuku flattened his hand over the scar with a shaky breath. "I love you, Kacchan."  

"I know." Katsuki pressed his lips to Izuku's forehead, kissing him gently. "I know."  

After that night, the two began to look for an apartment to move into once they graduated. They found one that was close to their agency and still close enough to Inko’s so she could come visit from time to time and moved in just a few weeks after the ceremony.  

They walked into the new apartment, the walls empty and ready to be filled with pictures and memories, boxes stacked high in the corners of the living room, the air fresh and clean, like new beginnings.  

Carrying the last box into their new home, Izuku turned to Katsuki with a bright and happy smile. “Welcome home, Kacchan.”  

The blond kissed him gently on the lips, a warm smile gracing his face as he looked into the bright, beautiful eyes of boy before him. “Welcome home, Izuku.”


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