The End of The World

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“Scientists are warning that asteroids measuring up to 10 miles in diameter will hit various places on Earth in an estimate of 2 weeks. Evacuation for the projected areas of impact have already commenced. There have also been reports of 6.5 to 7.3 earthquakes, especially in North-Eastern Europe, North America, and all of Asia and causes remain unknown until further notice……”

Izuku watched the news reporter numbly as he tried to make sense of what’s going on. Just a week ago, he celebrated his 26th birthday and now the world was ending.

His phone kept ringing, yet he was too shocked to respond. Sure, he joked about the world ending but he never thought it’d happen in his lifetime. He still had so much he wanted to do. He couldn’t die like this. Not without finally confessing to the person he loved most. Not without-

Izuku was rocked out of his stupor at the sound of his door shaking in its hinges.

“OPEN THE DOOR GODDAMNIT,” Izuku recognized the oh-so-familiar gentle tones of Katsuki.

Swallowing heavily, he ran to the door and unlocked it.

Katsuki raged in, swearing intelligibly. He paused as he listened to the news.

“Of course you’re watching it. Were you zoning out cause of that shit when I was knocking, shitty nerd?”

“N-no.” Katsuki squinted his eyes menacingly.

“Ok fine, I was but can you blame me? Apparently, it’s the end of the world now.”

“So? You’re just gonna sit around and mope like an idiot? We might as well make the most of the time we have left so pack your bag and follow me.”

“It’s 11PM, where are we going and also, what about patrol-”

“Do you really think time means shit now? The world’s ending damnit, you think patrol will make any difference? We’re all doomed, we can’t be heroes now. It’s not villains we’re dealing with anymore. I don’t want to die with regrets.”

It made sense but he wanted to do so much more. His dream couldn’t end so quickly, he had a lot more people he wanted to save-

“Deku, shut your ass up and pack your bag. We’ll save whoever you want on the way, now go.”

Rushing around his apartment, he quickly tried to think of everything he’d need to wherever Katsuki was taking him. However, he failed to notice Katsuki staring at him with an indescribable expression.
“What about Kiri, Kami, and the others? Are they coming as well?”


Izuku wished he was given more details and wanted to ask more but the angry blond looked like a bomb ready to go off.

“Ok, I’m done.”

“Good, let's go.”

As Izuku got into Katsuki’s car, he couldn’t help but notice the heavy amount of luggage stuffed into the backseat.

“Where are we going, Kacchan?” He finally asked.

“The beach.”

“EH? The nearest beach is 10 hours away, why are we traveling so far?”

“You told me you wanted to go to the beach one day, idiot. What better time than the end of the world?”

Izuku opened his mouth to protest but realized he was right. He would get no other chance to see the ocean.

The entire ride there, Izuku was antsy while Katsuki was tense. He didn’t know why Katsuki showed up at random to take him to the beach of all places. Katsuki hated going into any type of water.

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