Princess Iida

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"I'M A PRETTY PRINCESS!" Iida suddenly shouted at full volume after slamming the door of the dorm building open.

Everyone was in the common room just relaxing before Iida came in. Some are in the kitchen, while some others are playing video games. So, when Iida suddenly came in and shouted something un-Iida like  everyone was weirded out and confused.

There was total silence for a short moment after that, but lost it a second later.

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted.

"Eh?! Iida-kun are you alright?" Uraraka said worried for Iida.

"Iida are you..... Ok? Should I call Aizawa-sensei?" Todoroki Monotonously supplied, but is genuinely worried for his friend.

"Class president I didn't know you have that kind of kin-" Kaminari was about say something, but got off by one of Jiro's ear jacks plunging into Kaminari's ear shocking him "Shut up you idiot!"

"Bro maybe you need to rest. I know it's fine to dream to become a princess, but it's unmanly for some reason" Kirishima suggested which earned a nod and chrous of 'yeah' from the Bakusquad and some others.

Before anyone can rebuke Iida even further, Iida run past everyone in the common room and shouted "I DON'T NEED YOUR OPINIONS EVERYONE! I'M A PRETTY PRINCESS!"

Then he's gone back to his dorm room  with who knows what he is doing.

Everyone in the common room was left dumbfounded after that.

"Well... Iida's lucky Bakubabe and Midobabe is not here or else you know Bakubabe would never let this go and Midobabe will probably be shocked" Mina said after Iida's outburst.

"Now that you mention it, where the heck are they? It's already 5pm and their still not back from their date?" Jiro asked not anyone in particular.

"Who cares about those two! More importantly we should be concerned for Iida right now"  Uraraka replied in a tone that says 'I'm so done with those two love sick idiots'.

That's right. Izuku and Katsuki are both dating since the end of their first year and the war. Both of them experienced trauma after one of the two died literally, but thanks to Edgeshot he was revived.

Anyways, ever since then both of them have been attached to the hip every single moment they could find. It even got them to the point where they ended up dating to what they are now. To the shock of everyone. I mean they never really expected them to be friends let alone dating at that.

At one point, Uraraka was so devastated at that news that she ended up not going to school for three days. She had a crush on Izuku since their first year and expected to be with him in the near future.

So, the news that both Izuku and Katsuki are dating strike hard for her during those times. But now? She is so done with them being all lovey-dovey all the time. Not that she is jealous or anything, its just getting annoying for her and everyone else literally.

I mean, both of them are all touchy here and touchy there, babe here, baby there, and their not even trying to hide their relationship. Their exposing it to everyone for all to see.

Anyways, back to the topic at hand.

So, right now everyone is discussing what had happened to Iida for him act and say those things earlier.

"You know... It's not everyday we get to see Iida act like... Whatever it is earlier. So, what if we like take a video? And like blackmail him and stuff?" Kaminari suggested that got him a smack at the back of his head by Jiro.

"That's not really nice. Kero" Tsuyu commented.

"Hmm. I agree with Tsu-chan. It's not really nice, although Iida acting like that is hilarious. Pfft. Hahahaha" Uraraka said, then laughed afterwards.

Throughput the discussion, Todoroki was just watching them from the sidelines and listened to whatever their saying.

While everyone was talking with each other, they didn't notice a certain someone going out of the elevator and  passed everyone in the common room and proceeded to walk to the front door. Except Todoroki. He noticed since he's been watching from the sidelines.

Oh, did I forgot to mention that Iida is currently wearing a nice blue gown that is quite similar to disney princess Cinderella?

He tried calling everyone's attention, but alas failed.

"Um.... Guys"


"Hey everyone"





Still ignored.

"Uhmm.. hello?"

Obviously ignored.

After Todoroki's fifth try calling everyone's attention, he gaved up.

"I want soba" Todoroki said and walked out of the common room and went to the kitchen for some soba, completely ignoring 'princess' Iida walking out of the dorm building.

Long story short, everyone ended up not getting any clue on what became of Iida and they didn't even know that Iida is out of the dorm who knows where and what he is doing.

Meanwhile, in class 3B's dorm room formerly 1B

Iida can be seen dancing like how Cinderella danced with the prince during the ball. Except the 'prince' that Iida kidnapped during sleep is currently a shocked and pale faced Monoma.

Oh and by the way, they are currently dancing(or forced in Monoma's case) in 3B's common room alone, since all of his classmates are asleep.

Anyways, it's magical. Iida is dancing with his 'prince' with a smile, while said prince is close to fainting.

And so,

they lived happily ever after.


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