Chapter 1 (Badr)

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A/N: Cedochi is the name of the gang/underworld community Badr is part of. It is NOT a Muslim based group, and is a mixture of many ethnically or religiously different people. (I also made that name up on the spot please if it actually has a meaning to it don't take it!). The largest opposing force to the Cedochi second to the police is Buria (Russian for storm sorry Im not sure if I ought to use it or it not!)


Though New Forest was always a sea of twinkling lights when the sun went down, it was quite a contrast down in the streets between tall apartment buildings and closed shops where there was very little light indeed. These were the places where the underworld came to life, in the dark alley ways, the run down warehouses and retired factories. Darkness was essential, for in the cover of the night does the devil play his game.

I inhaled deeply, as though I could engulf the night breeze inside of me and keep it there, keeping me cool and calm. I loved this time. It heightened my senses, excitement tingled inside of me. As soon as the sun made it's descent I felt more and more alive; black gear on, pistol in my hand, hood over my head, zooming across the highway at dizzying speeds with my brothers, Yassin and Bilal.

I am Badr Abdul Qadir and I was the prince of all the darkness here. Ordinary people didn't see my life past the term "evil" but I knew better. The exhilaration, the excitement, the lust for adrenalin, all things ordinary people would never be able to feel. I followed my orders, punished those who deserved it, got my work done. I didn't spend my time behind a desk trying to earn minimum wage per tedious hour. I had fun and earned more than double.

My father was serving his 15 years in jail. He'd gone in when I was three, so he had little time left in there. Yassin, Bilal and I never went to meet him face to face. It was too dangerous, and we could be arrested right on the spot if anyone from Buria caught sight of one of us Cedochi kids and reported us.

Cedochi, our people, the kings of New Forest. I didn't know what the name meant but it had a deadly ring to it, and I liked the pride it had. It was tattooed on the underside of my left wrist, and on the right etched in blackest ink was the Arabic word for "Freedom". I was a third generation Lebanese kid here, and had very little ties with the place of my heritage. I knew Arabic but no more- no customs, traditions, religion. Nothing but my features and blood remained of Lebanon.

"Badr! We don't have all night to enjoy the view. Let's get going"
The speaker was Jacob "Jax" Evendale, my best friend and partner in crime. Literally. I flashed him a grin and leapt off the second story roof top we'd been perched on for the past hour keeping watch. I ignored his hiss of annoyance.
"You are such an idiot" he muttered after he'd joined me on the ground having safely climbed down.
"Relax Jax" I replied coolly, "no one heard"
"Remind me again who managed to get us almost shot and killed last week?"
At that I stopped in my tracks, a coldness all to familiar overtook me.
I took his wrist and splayed his palm over his heart roughly, my mirth evaporating.
"Can you feel something Jax?" I growled, "that's the beat of your heart. We're still alive"
He didn't reply but fell silent submissively. I shrugged to myself. He knew how much trouble I'd gotten in for the fiasco last week, and he knew better then to keep bringing it up. I was good at what I did, in fact, I was excellent, top notch. One tiny slip up and the entire blame falls on me. Perks of being perfect.
We moved in silence down the street. It was so dimly lit it was actually kind of hard to see. Annoyance flickered through me. Poorer neighborhoods equaled less of everything. It reminded me of my youth in a lonesome apartment with my brothers who sucked at mothering a little kid. Lighting candles because the power cut. Turning on the tap to find no flow of water. Little food, 6 hours of school where other kids wondered why you didn't have a lunch box. Although all that had changed now I had not forgotten.

Our man was at the end of the street, leaning against a run down white Volvo. He was wearing a very baggy black jersey with the hood up and cargo pants. I knew what we'd come for was in the car and a small smile tugged at my lips. Did he really think we were going to bargain with him? How stupid could he get? We were Cedochi, and no one set their terms above ours.
"Ronan" called Jax, pulling his own hood up over his head, "good evening"
I had to admit- sometimes Jax' English accent sounded badass.
The man, Ronan jerked his bowed head up and I caught sight of two bloodshot eyes. I wondered how high this guy was.
"Evenin' Evendale" he replied sullenly. His gaze moved to me and he paled a little, "Badr" he said stiffly.
I inclined my head in greeting.
"I've got it" said Ronan, motioning behind him to his car, "did you bring the money?"
"We did" Jax' reply was short.
Ronan shifted on his feet uncomfortably, glancing at me briefly, "I had a...a change of-"
"You wanted to raise the price" I cut in coldly. He paused for a moment, staring at me, then nodded curtly.
"How much?"
He paused for a moment as though wondering if it was wise to open his mouth. "Fifteen grand"
I moved too fast for him to realize what I was about to do. There's was a loud bang and he crumpled to the ground, blood flowing from his chest, his eyes frozen wide open and glassy.
"That's too much" I said, tucking my revolver neatly in my jacket.

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