Niha and Yassin's Wedding

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Note: I will most likely rewrite this chapter at some point, but hope you like it! It's pretty long, but I was very excited to write it :) Pleeeaasseee comment and share your thoughts! And VOTE! 


For the hundredth time since we had arrived at South Lodge I found myself looking around everywhere, hardly able to pay attention to the wedding manager's chatter

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For the hundredth time since we had arrived at South Lodge I found myself looking around everywhere, hardly able to pay attention to the wedding manager's chatter.

The walls and floor of the banquet hall were of rich, beautifully polished wood. There were no windows, rather huge section of the wall which were open to the outdoors, nature surrounding the second floor of the place which would host Niha and Yassin's wedding in two days time. The place was already undergoing decoration- the lighting was being set up by a team of guys while waiters were hurrying around with seating arrangement charts. Outside, where the mehndi function would take place, there were more people still, hurrying about and setting up the place. Everything was so exciting, the venue so beautiful, it constantly took my breath away.

"Excuse me, Ms. Mohammed?" Rhoda, the wedding manager intervened my thoughts.
"Oh- sorry!" I forced myself to look back at her, "I didn't catch that, what were you saying?"

"I asked if you wanted peonies or chrysanthemums? We also have roses, but only white and red"

"Peonies" Aliya, Niha's cousin from England said immediately from beside me.
"Yes" I agreed, looking down at the list in my hand, "I think peonies will be the best choice"

Rhoda nodded and scribbled something down in her notebook, before excusing herself politely to check on dinner arrangements.

"This place is so beautiful" I said to Aliya, smiling, "Isn't it?"
"It is!" she exclaimed, examining a fancy tea set on one of the counters, "Niha always wanted a country house kind of wedding, and this one is perfect! Almost like the ones we have in England! Which room are you staying in by the way? The other girls and I though we could have a girls night tonight"
"Oh that's a great idea!" I smiled, "I'm on the floor above yours- I'm sharing a room with a couple of girls from school"

Aliya looked around thoughtfully, "Hmm... I'll ask Rhoda, I reckon there's an unused room around here somewhere we could borrow for a night"

I laughed, "You do that!"

And off she ran, joined by some of Niha's other Bengali cousins who had arrived today like me.

I found myself walking around the hall, then through the spacious, carpeted corridors.

Paintings and other delicate pieces of décor adorned the polished walls. On the higher levels there were decorated doors for suites, with a temporary plaque reading the guest names so that there was no confusion and we could keep track of everyone easily, Every so often there was a magnificent flower vase on a fragile white table, and each time I passed one I had to resist the urge to take photos. I sighed in bliss- this was a perfect way to start the summer break after one year of gruelling work as an engineering student at Columbia.

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