Chapter 61 (Jamaal AbdulQadir)

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Note: I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER! Chapter pic is Amu Jamaal kind of. Sorry this is short but I thought that would be a good place to stop. Please leave your votes and comments! I love you all ❤️unedited.

Jamaal AbdulQadir rubbed his wrists absentmindedly. His lawyer, Ellias was speaking to someone on the phone some way away, and he was thankfully left to his thoughts as he waited for the boy on the wooden bench in the foyer. It was cold in the night, and outside few cars zoomed past. New Forest was asleep but he felt very much awake. No longer was his vision tainted by bars, no longer was he dressed in the bright orange jump suit. He was free.

And yet he almost wished he wasn't.

This prison, as much as he'd despised it was a safe haven from the reality of his life. He'd found the meaning of Islam in there, had found the faith he'd never truly had in Allah.
He had three sons and a wife, and he was directly responsible for ruining every one of their lives. Would Allah ever forgive him? Would they?

"Sir, Bilal has requested you be brought to his residence immediately" Ellias informed Jamaal, his polished black shoes clicking on the ground with each step.
"He's too far away at present" he continued, "and sends his apologies that he cannot come"
Jamaal said nothing but just gave him a nod, rubbing his wrists again.

A boy named Jax was sent to accompany them home. He was young and handsome, and did not make any effort to hide the fact he was Cedochi, even pulling up his sleeves so the tattoo showed. Such a tattoo Jamaal had also, but now it felt like a brand on his skin.
"Sir" he acknowledged, "I am Jax, I work alongside your son Badr most of the time"
"Badr..." He breathed, his heart beating painfully fast, "how is he?"
"He's the best of the best. You should be proud of him" Jax replied with a glint of pride in his eyes.
"I would be prouder still, if he had not followed my footsteps" Jamaal replied speaking more to himself, his old powerful voice returning. Prison had changed him, but he had not forgotten who he'd once been. Jax raised an eyebrow but said nothing further.
"Sir, let's get you home" Ellias said, motioning to Jax, "you should rest. And then you should celebrate"
"Thank you Ellias".

They climbed into a black Porsche and Jax took the wheel, driving far beyond the speed limit while Jamaal gazed out of the window, watching his home of twenty five years fly past. Much had changed- there were so many more buildings and new homes flashing by. The apartment building be was used to were hidden behind them, or maybe they were gone? With a pang he remembered his home, the tiny brick apartment with it's comforting old walls. Hikmah settled by the fireplace surrounded by her three boys, her full lips curving in a delighted smile.

Bilal, Yassin, Badr...
His three little boys.

Bilal was the oldest, the only one in school, nine years old. He was such a strong little kid, always by his father's side, always wanting to do whatever he did. He had these beautiful dark eyes surrounded with thick lashes. He was always so thoughtful, but never shy.
Then there was Yassin, the most innocent child. He was an oddity with his dark green eyes that Hikmah fondly said were her mothers. His cheeks always had a pink streak because he'd go red the fastest. Hikmah had her work cut out making sure no one offended him.
And then there was Badr, tiny little Badr. He was three, a plump little thing with a tuft of black hair. He'd ramble off in his own language and get angry very fast, shouting at his brothers as they laughed. He stuck to Yassin like glue, and always wanted to pull Bilal's hair. No doubt, Jamaal thought fondly, he was the biggest trouble maker.
And then there was Hikmah herself. The most beautiful, amazing woman he'd ever met.
Ya Hikmah...where did you go? I'm here now...
"Almost there" Jax said, breaking him out of his reverie.
"This is not a familiar road" Jamaal noticed, suddenly alert. Jax shook his head, "we're not going to your place"
"Then where?"
"Mr. Waleed's house. The boys are currently living there"
"Why is that?"
"You'll see soon enough"

The magnificent mansion came into view, alight behind the high fence. Gardens spread around it, guards were stationed outside. The gate was opened for them and Jax pulled in, promptly parking the car before the marble steps which led to the door. He quickly called someone on his phone.
"It's me. We're here"

The door suddenly opened and a tall, handsome boy stood in it's frame. He had pale golden skin, a slight pinkness on his nose, and beautiful eyes. His hair was slightly ruffled, and he wore a dark blue turtle neck that fit his lean sculpted body.
His eyes were the only things that gave away his interior sense of panic, flitting around in the darkness as if they couldn't find what they were looking for fast enough.

Jamaal opened his door and stepped out, unable to keep his gaze off the young man.
He knew. From those eyes he knew.
His boy gazed at him too, frozen, drinking in his father's features after fifteen long years.
"Baba" he choked out as Jamaal held out a hand for him. Yassin took it in his own, staring at his father's big weathered hand in his own pianist fingers.
"Yassin habibi" Jamaal murmured, touching his hair, his face. This is real. I'm free...I'm alive...he's alive big.
"C-come inside" he pulled him in, nodding to Jax who backed out of the drive way swiftly. Jamaal stepped over the threshold, his eyes trying to adjust in the dimly lit hallway. A thick Persian carpet extended out, royal red, and a chandelier hung above in all it's glory. Faris had made some renovations it's seemed, but everywhere there was his touch. He wondered where his friend was, he was one of the people he had a lot to thank for.
"Come Baba, you must be hungry" Yassin said, leading him down the hallway and into a magnificent living area. He seemed nervous, as if he was not quiet sure how to go about this. Jamaal fought a smile. Yassin was exactly that boy he'd left behind.

Commotion in the kitchen caught his attention and he caught a glimpse of large brown eyes peering at him before they disappeared. A few moments later their owner emerged, carrying a large platter with rice and lamb in her arms. She was shorter than him, thin and light as though a gust of wind would take her. She had goldened skin and pretty eyebrows atop gorgeous eyes. They were currently wide, taking in his appearance.
"Who is this?" Jamaal asked in surprise, though not unkindly.
Had one of his sons gotten married? What a pleasant surprise... Yassin smiled ruefully, "This is Laila" he introduced, and she smiled warmly, "Amu Faris' daughter"
"MashaAllah..." Jamaal said in awe, Faris had finally found his family! The girl, Laila, blushed slightly and set the platter down.
"Amu Jamaal" she said in a wavering voice, "come eat"
"JazakAllah Khair bentii" he replied with a smile also, taking to the chair. Yassin sat opposite him and Laila busily began propping up the cushions.
"We were told just a few minutes ago you were released" Yassin explained, following his father's gaze, "Ellias thought it would be a nice surprise"
"And was it?" He asked playfully.
Yassin did not reply immediately. Instead his eyes reddened and he blinked rapidly, unable to speak. Jamaal's own smile faded and he pulled his little Yassin in his embrace, patting his boy's back as he broke down into full sobs.
Laila's head shot up and she looked almost scared, no doubt she'd never seen Yassin cry.
"Yassin habibi stop this" he said softly, his heart clenching, "I'm here now, everything will be okay"
"I-we- it was s-so h-hard Baba" he choked out, "so h-hard"
"I know" he whispered back, blinking hard, "there was not one moment when I was not thinking about how difficult everything had become. But looking at you now I am prouder than I have ever been. Allah has blessed me with three such strong boys" he lowered his voice slightly after a few moments so Laila would not hear, "do you know where your mother is?"
Yassin pulled away, wiping his eyes. He gazed at his father for a few seconds before answering.
"B-Badr knows" he replied, "h-he won't s-say"
Badr knows...ya Hikmah I'll bring you home yet.
"She's safe?"
"Yes. Badr doesn't lie"

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