Chapter 39 (Yassin)

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Note: this is just like a lead up I guess. I like Yassin and Niha hahaha

He had to say, Laila looked so cute in her football uniform. She arranged her scarf more closely, tying it around her neck so it wouldn't get in the way. Her uniform was a baggy white shirt with the crest of New Forest and navy blue lines on the sides, with sleeves that fell to the elbows- and yet she still wore a shirt underneath. In place of shorts she wore track suit pants. Although she looked kind of tired she got wider and wider awake as they neared the school in Amu Faris' four seater Volkswagen.
"Laila relax" Yassin laughed, glancing at her worried expression in the rear view mirror.
"I can't!" Laila exclaimed, "I'm the only new kid there- if anything goes wrong it's going to be my fault!"
"Hey, you got in to first eleven" Bilal pointed out to everyone's surprise, "it's not without reason. You must be pretty good and you're playing striker"
Laila groaned, "Don't remind me"

Chloe was waiting for them in the parking lot, leaning against her sleek red aurion sports model. Laila gaped at her and he realized seeing Chloe for the first time must be strange for her.

She was tall and had the figure of a supermodel, even though she was dressed in black leather most of the place and had ringed her gorgeous green eyes with intense eye makeup, and her honey colored hair was straightened, falling over her shoulders. Laila wasn't the only one who was staring at her. Most of the guys milling around the parking lot were also trying but failing to look away. She was the kind of woman who was irresistible and yet dangerous. Literally. He grinned to himself, if only anyone knew what Chloe got up to...

"Habibti" Bilal greeted, his booming voice rolling around the car park. Chloe looked up from her fingernails and a smile lit up her face. She walked up to them, her eyes sweeping over Yassin and then Laila. They were sharp and calculating.
"You must be Laila" she stated, still looking down at her, "The girl who's caused so much trouble"
"Chloe..." Bilal said softly. Laila blinked and looked away awkwardly, and Yassin felt a pang of guilt. He should have warned her beforehand of Chloe's highly judgmental attitude. She was probably just pissed off at Bilal having to direct his attention at someone else.
"You should go to the changing rooms" he said to Laila apologetically, "Most of the team will be waiting for you right?"
"Oh yeah, you're right" Laila replied, and then attempted a warm smile, "Nice meeting you Chloe"
Chloe didn't reply and Laila left, disappearing into the oncoming crowd of supporters. Yassin rounded on her angrily, not caring that she was his older brother's girlfriend.
"You could have been a little nicer back there!" he snarled, "Do you know how nervous she is about this game? And even though you were so rude she wasn't even angry- that tells you the kind of person she is"
"Oh?" Chloe replied in an icy tone, "Remind me again Yassin, why was Fankour attacked last week? Why are Buria getting more and more aggressive and clearly out of hand? We're asking for trouble by protecting her"
"You're asking for the whole of Cedochi to crumble by handing her over. Have you forgotten who Faris Bin Waleed is to us?"
"Chloe stop" Bilal interrupted as she opened her mouth to retort, "Laila is our responsibility. We took this job by choice. Now lets just find some good seats shall we? Yassin, make sure you're near this exit"
"Watch it" Yassin growled under his breath as they walked off.

The plan was for him to go buy some stuff to eat from the carts, pretend he couldn't find Bilal and Chloe who would be seated on the opposite side of the field, and then take a seat near the exit. Even though all this wasn't necessary, there could be anyone from Buria or Cedochi here that didn't need to know what was going on. He headed over to the carts where there were hot dogs and donuts and chips being sold. Joining the line he glanced at his phone. There was a text from Badr:

I'm here. I'll be watching from my spot too. Just make sure if you see anyone with a                                                                                                         fucked up face keep him there until we can get him alone.

Yassin replied quickly, I will. Coming home tonight?

His reply was swift: Hopefully

He looked up to find Niha in the line, standing right behind him. She was dressed in a puffy white coat/jacket and a dark red skirt with a black hijab wrapped around her head. Her cheeks were flushed from the cold which made her look even prettier. He smiled at her in reply, "That's me"
"Assalamualaikum" she grinned.
"Walaikum salam. You here to watch Laila?"
Niha nodded, "Yeah! A group of us were going to come but it looks like they're going to be late" she looked around, "Is more family here with you?"
"Oh no- I mean yes, my brother and his...friend" Oh yeah, he knew exactly what Muslims thought of dating.
"You don't seem too happy about that" she observed with a nervous laugh. He shook his head and smiled, slightly embarrassed.
"Nah, I'm just hoping he doesn't get too into it" he lied easily, and added in an undertone "he can be a little embarrassing "
Niha laughed again, and for a moment he was caught up in how nice she looked when her face broke into a smile. It was as though a lot more of her shone through when she was happy, and by the looks of it, a couple of jokes did the trick.
"Excuse me, what would you like to get?" the guy selling stuff asked.
"A pack of donuts please"
"Are those halal?" Niha asked, bewildered, " I always thought they used animal fat?"
"Er, yeah it is" he replied, wondering if he was making a terrible mistake. He knew about Halal and Haram- just never really cared. Their cook at home knew about it but outside he didn't really think too much about the difference, "want some?"
"Haha its okay I'm buying chips anyway"
Phew...he didn't need anymore guilt on his head.

They walked together to the bleachers arranged around the football field, and Yassin was amazed that so many people had turned up to watch girls football. Not that there was a problem with that, he just didn't know it was so popular.
"School spirit huh?" he muttered to Niha as they passed a group of students clad head to foot in NF support gear.
Niha grinned, "Yeah, some people really get into it"
"Who're we versing?"
"Queen's College" she replied, "rich kids equals top notch training, I've heard their pretty good"
"My old school" he said after a moment, grinning as she blushed furiously.
"No worries, I'm with New Forest today!"

Niha and Yassin ended up sitting together, much to Yassin's delight. He pretended to look around for Bilal and Chloe and although he saw them no less than eight times he pretended they were nowhere to be found and seated himself next to her. Girls were staring at him and whispering, throwing flirtatious looks over their shoulders which he promptly ignored. Niha seemed to notice it though and she fell silent as the players jogged onto the field, doing warm-ups, clearly feeling awkward.
"Look, there's Laila" he pointed out the figure emerging onto the field.
"Yeah! Have you seen her play? She's really good mashaAllah"
"So I've heard" he smiled, mainly because she was getting into the spirit.

This was going to be an awesome game.

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