Chapter 20 (Laila)

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Note: Pre-fall what is Maghrib time in the states?

I eagerly watched the clock for it to strike the time for Maghrib. I'd been busy after finishing up with homework, making myself a decent mini feast for iftar. Baba had dismissed the cook for the while he was away, saying Badr and Yassin could bring food from their place. The reason for that was his caution- he trusted very, very few people.
So, instead of having to approach the Abdul Qadir brothers, who were clearly having a good time in Badr's room judging by the racket they made, I'd prepared pasta of my favorite kind. Thick, creamy, cheesy...
I'd also brought out that cake Baba had placed in the fridge in my room, and it was sitting magnificently on my end of the table. Then I'd brought out Chaplin's lemonade which had always been too expensive in Mama's opinion, and poured a tall glass full. Sitting at the side of my plate, looking quiet lonely was a khajoor.
I realized I should probably call Baba down too- what exactly was he going to eat?

Baba's room was on the top most floor. The door was ajar and the lights open, movement could be heard from the outside. I timidly knocked the door and then stepped inside.
The place was so much more simple then the other rooms I'd seen so far. The walls were handsome wood, with souvenirs from many different countries hanging on them. A large window/door which opened to a balcony overlooked the sunset at this time. Through a small arched section was Baba's room, where I found him filling his suitcase.
He turned around and his face broke into a smile, "Laila, come in"
"Oh, no I was just going to say you should come downstairs and eat with me. I made pasta"
His eyes brightened, "Pasta! I do like that. I'll join you shortly"

I didn't have to wait long until Baba came down, but it was to my utmost distaste that I saw Badr and Yassin following him.

Thank god I was wearing a hijab.

Don't get be wrong, I had no problem with Yassin. He was tall, really handsome and had light green eyes. He was polite and respectful and the complete polar opposite of his brother.
"Is there enough for these two?" Baba asked, and he looked like he was trying to hide a grin.
"Of course Baba. There's enough pasta for everyone in the neighborhood except him" I said sweetly, gesturing to Badr. Yassin laughed and Badr scowled but said nothing. Probably not wanting to ruin his chances with the one dish I could make.
"Yallah it's time for Maghrib" Baba said, checking his watch, "you'd better break your fast Laila"
I complied, trying not to inhale the Khajoor.


After fajr I readied myself for school, throwing on a pair of Forest green pants and a long white t-shirt and a dark green hijab. Because it looked like it was going to be cold today I wore black sneakers and a puffy black jacket which was lined with that fleecy material. Once I was satisfied with that I made my way downstairs and prepared lunch and breakfast of Nutella sandwich.
Feeling as ready as I could get I crossed over to the sofa decked against a large window overlooking the lawn and there I settled down to eat.
A figure cutting across the pristine grass caught my attention. The trademark black clothing immediately told me who it was.

I observed Badr as I ate. He was doing exercise, jogging around the mini field, his bare arms rippling with muscle that was otherwise not so obvious. His hair looked perfectly styled like when a model rolls out of bed in an advertisement, which annoyed me. His usual arrogant expression was gone, replaced by one of seriousness. The black eyebrows were slightly pulled forward and small dents appeared in his forehead. His jaw was tight, and his dark eyes sharp.
I could see why Baba thought so highly of him.
There was that discipline, skill and agility in his every movement. He always seemed so sure of himself- wherever he stood, walked, whatever he did, all seemed to have purpose. Except for when he opened his mouth, Badr seemed to be an okay guy.

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