Chapter 70 The Ramadan Dinner Parties

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Note: this chapter is dedicated to tere-liye who actually gave me the idea for this next set of chapters :) basically it's a run through of Ramadan so that we can get to Bilal and Chloe's proposal party! I also wanted to focus more on the effects of the poison. I hope you're as excited as I am! Unedited.
Anarkali: an Indian dress which usually goes up to mid-shin or higher or lower with matching pants (like skinniest haha) and a complimenting long scarf called a Dupatta.

Day seven of Ramadan- Rana's Iftar


I made sure to sleep for three hours before it was time to get ready. It was Rana's Iftar and I wanted to look nice and fresh instead of the mess I usually appeared to be. I was beginning to feel weaker and weaker as the days wore on, spending a long time resting after school. I didn't know what it was and was way too tired to care. Bilal, Yassin and Badr were out of the house a lot more as Bilal organized his secret engagement party, which I'd refused to take part in because I didn't know the first thing about all that plus it would just be embarrassing. Badr tried talking to me more often when he did come home but I couldn't muster the energy to keep it up. What was wrong with me?

I decided to wear an anarkali with a dull gold/cream top section and deep red dress section with golden and black embroidery on the edges and sleeves. It had a heavy red dupatta with the same embroidery which I hung over one shoulder, and with it wore a matching golden hijab. I decided to wear red bangles and to do a bit of make up as well, doing the only things I knew how to do- eyeliner, mascara and reddish lipstick. I wished I knew how to apply foundation and concealer and all that- then I could hide these bags.
"Laila you ready?" Bilal called from downstairs impatiently.
"Yeah just coming!" I replied, hurriedly looking for matching shoes. I settled for a cream colored pair with heels and praying I didn't fall in them I headed out.
Bilal and Badr were standing at the foot of the stairs, both dressed in striking clothes. Bilal wore a light blue dress shirt on black pants, his broad shoulders filling in the material well. Badr was wearing a black dress shirt and pants, the color sharp against his pale golden skin, bringing out his stubble, brows and hair. They both looked like super models and I suddenly felt nervous- I looked very washed out and out of place next to them. Scrawny, thin, terribly unattractive-
"Wow" Bilal nodded his approval, noticing me hovering uncertainly at the top of the stairs. I felt a blush grow in my cheeks and shook my head embarrassedly. Even though I didn't look at him I could feel Badr's gaze on me. I tried not to redden as I walked past him.

Outside Amu Jamaal and Yassin were already in the car. I began to get in the back seat but Badr stopped me.
"In the front" he said, inclining his head.
"Don't you think Amu should-"
"Just get in"
I winced, slightly hurt.
"No thanks" I replied stiffly and promptly sat in the back, slamming the door behind me. I saw Badr's jaw clench as he fought off his anger (at what I had no idea) before he took the drivers seat and hit the gas pedal like crazy. I sat back, confused. What was wrong with him?

We reached the Barakat residence with twenty minutes to the adhan, and by the sight of so many cars parked alongside the street I swallowed, hoping I was not underdressed. I was secretly grateful Niha would be here- after all she too had been contemplating on wearing a desi outfit. Although I was half Lebanese, I felt a lot more inclined toward the Indian side of me, having grown up with Mama.
"Relax" Badr muttered as he came up next to me, "you look great"
I barely managed to utter a shocked "thank you" before the door flew open and the boys sauntered up to greet Rana's Dad as if they'd known him for ages. Rana darted out from behind them, giving a respectful Salam to Amu Jamaal before hurrying up to where I stood awkwardly.
"Salam Laila!" She greeted, "you look so pretty mashaAllah!"
"Doesn't she?" Badr intervened with a grin, "I kept telling her but she just wouldn't listen"
My mouth fell open and my brain seemed to have frozen. Liar! I wanted to scream.
"Come on!" Rana said tugging me inside. I shot him a glare before putting on a smile as we entered her house.
The large dining area was devoid of chairs, which had been pushed to the sides of the room in a not-messy manner, and was laid down with two long rows of plates and cups and platters of food- the traditional Iftar style. I flushed as a few very attractive unfamiliar middle eastern guys turned their heads to look at us, trying hard not to sneak a glance at them. I berated myself for being stupid- as if I looked like anything compared to all the well dressed, beautiful girls here.
"Salam Laila!" Hassan boomed from somewhere to my right. I looked over at his general direction and called a feeble "walaikum Salam!" Over the small crowd.
"Laila I'll just sort out the chicken rolls okay?" Rana told me, squeezing my shoulders reassuringly, "oh look there's Niha- she'll introduce you to the others. Oh god where is Zahra..."
My face lit up when I spotted Niha. She was dressed in an anarkali as well to my immense relief which was a combination of rich green, gold and bronze. Her shimmery green scarf brought out her tones perfectly and her make up was on point. I really needed her to teach me! She was filling up some glasses with orange juice, and I quickly hurried over to help.
"Assalamualaikum Niha" I said, smiling at her.
"Oh! You gave me a fright- walaikum Salam Laila!" Her head automatically turned, looking in the crowd for someone.
"There" I grinned, pointing behind her, "there he is"
She blushed, "mashaAllah"
I had to agree- Yassin looked dashing in his navy blue shirt, freshly cut an styled hair, and serious expression. He was obviously looking around too, in search of the person right next to me.

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