Chapter 6 (Badr)

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A/N: sorry this is such a short chapter! Also I really hope I'm right when I think Amu is uncle in Arabic? Please correct me if I'm wrong!


I tapped my fingers against the steering wheel of the convertible impatiently. When would this woman come home? Had she decided to work a full eight hours or something?
It had been three days since amu Faris' call and I'd immediately set to work. I'd called Jax, Donovan and André to my place and we'd planned out a course of action- predetermined with my conversation earlier of course. I'd also asked Yassin to join us- we needed to put cameras around the area.

The plan was to wire up the street at tonight, when no one would be awake to see it. The only problem was that the apartment was at a very annoying spot. Glenview. Buria territory. That was why I was keeping watch until it was time to instigate surveillance, but I was impatient to see the person we were so heavily protecting in person. I wondered why Amu Faris didn't just take his family home, where they would be a hundred times safer and I wouldn't have to bake in the sun to look after them. Jax, Donovan and André didn't know what Cedochi had to do with a mother and daughter, but they also had never met or had anything to do with Faris Bin Waleed. That was probably a good thing because you never knew who to trust.

A bus pulled in down the street, and I leaned forward, wondering if amidst the descending passengers was Ruba. Sure enough she was, in the same grey coat style abaya. I had to admit, she was a formidable looking woman- tall as myself, with a brisk stride. She had features which suggested she had once been very beautiful. I could see why Amu Faris had married her- they both seemed serious, both didn't feel the need to crack a smile. Those sharp eyes scanned the area briefly, sliding over my convertible. I tensed as she paused in her tracks and looked around, wondering if she somehow knew...
But no, it turned out she was waiting for someone who was struggling through the crowd and finally stumbled up to her mother.

I removed my shades.

Amu Faris had not mentioned he had a daughter...

She was shorter than her mother and thin, though not freakishly. Her skin was that golden color that was neither fair nor dark, dark eyebrows, beautifully shaped lips, liquid brown eyes- she was beautiful. What intrigued me even more was she was wearing a Real Madrid shirt which made me grin- I was a Barcelona kid- and a black hijab which was all over the place and she looked like she frankly couldn't care less.

For the first time I found myself wanting to talk to a hijabi.

I'd never had the urge to associate myself with them or pay them heed. They had that aura of being utterly untouchable, besides, so many girls wanted my attention I didn't even bother spending my time puzzling over Muslim girls. I was Muslim by name, but anything further I didn't know or care.
But this girl had kind of caught my attention.

Maybe supervisor duty wouldn't be too bad.

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