Chapter 74 (Badr & Laila)

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Note: so this is a cute chapter with Badr and Laila! I hope you enjoy it :) please vote and comment! Love you all ❤️


After three days of fasting Eid came as a relief. Our last Iftar was a quiet affair because Laila had just woken up and was a bit out of it and Baba was too concentrated on the Mansaf we had ordered. After a few minutes of eating however he was the first to speak.
"Habibti what would you like to do tomorrow?" He asked gently, "I understand there are some pretty places around this city you could visit now?" The end of it was directed at me. I replied with a curt nod.
Earlier I would have attempted to somehow stir the conversation away in case Laila got any ideas and I was stuck with baby sitting. But now I wanted her to want to do something so I could be around her. We could go to the gardens or to the butterfly farm...seeing as girls like that kind of stuff...or I could take her to the city lights show in town square. The thought made me strangely happy. I watched her for her answer intently- how much more obvious could I be? But Laila wasn't looking at me but at Baba.
"Nothing much Amu...I don't really feel like it" she replied quietly, a small sad smile on her face. Baba nodded slightly, probably not wanting to push it.
"Baba" I intervened, "you should go to Amu Harun's place for lunch. Andre told me he sent some invitation to our place"
Baba's face lit up and he made no effort to hide it.
"Would that be feasible?"
"I'll send protection" I smiled, glad he was happy. I then turned to Laila, putting on that careless smirk on my face. I stared at her until she noticed, blushing slightly as she raised her eyebrows in question.
I sighed and let my arms rest in front of me, "You're not planning on staying in the house the whole day tomorrow are you?"
She blinked, "erm yeah?"
"Come on Ms Mohammed Junior it's Eid. Isn't it like Christmas for you?"
She almost laughed but her eyes filled with tears instead, "n-not without m-mom"
"Oh habibti..." Baba sighed sadly, squeezing Laila's shoulders. She sniffed and hastily left the table before any of us could see her cry. I didn't wait a moment before jumping up an heading after her. No way was I going to let this happen. We needed to do something fun right now.
"Laila!" I called, jogging up to her before she could shut her room door on me.
"What?!" She exclaimed in surprise as I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, letting go just as quickly.
I grinned and rubbed the back of my hair nervously. I really hope this is a good idea.
"I was thinking..." I began, looking around, "I was thinking we could go gift shopping. do buy gifts on Eid right?"
"Some people do" she frowned, then she seemed to realize what I was getting at, "oh! You want us to go shopping? I don't have anything" she blushed slightly.
I rolled my eyes, "your dad left a credit card just for you"
"Oh" she looked around, "do we have to?"
"But are you feeling okay? I don't want you to-"
"I'm feeling better, thanks Badr" she smiled.
"Okay pray Maghrib and get ready, I'll meet you downstairs"


I decided to take a shower to sooth my aching limbs and attempt to feel a bit more fresh. Shopping meant walking and I hadn't exactly done a lot of that lately.
I stared at myself in the mirror, my wet hair cascading down my back. If it was possible I looked thinner, ribs a little more prominent, shoulders with less fat. My face was paler but my cheeks and nose had a pinkness and shadows were etched under my eyes. I looked sick, definitely. No amount of make up was going to help this so I didn't put any on, instead just changing into black  jeans, plain long cream colored shirt and a black jacket coat thing with a hood. I decided to wear a dark red hijab for the sake of not being black all over and quickly slung a small canvas bag over my shoulder with my phone and pain killers.
I looked like crap but oh well.

Finally it was time to go. Badr remained in his track pants and sporty shirt, still managing to look as though he'd chosen these clothes to compliment his looks.
"Shall we?" He asked with a genuine smile. I nodded politely and followed him outside. I expected one of the other cars we'd been using but instead it was a gleaming black BMW convertible, looking as though it had jumped out of an advertisement.
"Wow" I breathed, wide eyed.
"Meet my baby" he crooned, caressing the bonnet as if it were a beloved horse instead of a car.
"This is yours?"
"Yeah" he smirked, "impressed?"
"I guess" I replied, trying not to blush.

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